Hair Color

1st March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Many people with curly hair have a problem of getting their spirals to look right. We usually want to look like somebody else – our friend or celebrity etc. But it is important to understand that our best curly hair style is the one that works best for us and not for anybody else.

Women with straight hair have lots of styles to choose from. And it is really easy for each one of them to copy some features they like on somebody else. But everything is completely different if your hair is curly. Tight spirals might not be converted into big bouncy curls you saw in the movie last night.

If you want your curls to look great, figure out what makes your hair look its best. This may include all hair care products you use as well as the way you treat your hair on a regular basis. If you keep blow drying and straightening your hair day after day, you should not expect it to look great the day you decide to wear it curly.

Coloring brings serious damage to your hair too. It usually leads you hair to become extremely dry. If your natural curly hair is dry, you will only make it worse by dying it. So do not dye your hair. If it is graying and you have to color it, choose the most natural dye. If your natural color is great and you are just used to coloring it, stop doing that in order to have perfect and healthy curls. If you do not like your natural color, there is something you should think about. That color was given to you for a serious reason. And this reason is that this color looks the best on you.

Heat is of no good for a curly hair either. Think of what happens to food when you cook it. It changes into a different state. When you apply heat to your hair you are doing the same thing. A blow dryer simply dries your hair out. It pulls the moisture both from the shower and the natural moisture within your hair. And a flat iron is even much worse than that. Your hair becomes frizzy and dull. It gets straight, but not the way you want it to be.

All these kinds of things make your hair look bad. Some people do not want to admit or realize it, but that is true. The best hair style for you is usually the one given to you by birth. And your best curly hair style is the one done with healthy, undamaged hair.

So, do not damage your hair. If you have already done that to your hair, try to help it to recover. Condition it and use good quality products for washing and styling your curls.

Looks really matter. That is why cute hairstyles can help a lot to improve your image.

For the insights and advice about cute hairstyles, please visit this web site – really tons of information, articles and images. The best cute hairstyles are chosen here.

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Posted on: March 1, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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