Weight Loss Questions And Answers

28th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

How much do you know about dieting and healthy living? Below you’ll find some trivia about various related dieting and health topics. I have also added some facts that will be of interest. Have fun!

Which method of weight loss does Sarah Fergison the Duchess of York promote?

Answer: Weight Watchers

Weight watchers began in 1963. Jean Nidetch a homemaker from Brooklyn started the company. It now operates in about 30 countries.

What well know condition did sailors suffer from?

Answer: Scurvy

Scurvy is caused by a lack of Vitamin C. When trying to lose weight it is still essentail to provide your body with the proper nutreints.

The Deal a Meal system of weight loss was created by which diet icon?

Answer: Weight loss icon – Richard Simmons

This famous diet guru not only created the Deal a Meal plan, he also began the Foodmover System. He is a noted fitness personality, and advocates weight loss through exercise and healthy eating.

A plant native to Africa is being hailed as the great new diet fad. What is it?

Answer: The Hoodia plant

The plant is native to South Africa where the Bushmen use it to suppress their appetite. Attempts are being made to try to grow this endangered plant commercially.

“Good carbs and good fats” are hailed by which famous diet?

Answer: South Beach Diet

Dr. Arthur Agatston is the creator of this diet method. His book came out in 2003.

If you are on a diet, how often should you weigh yourself?

Answer: Most diets suggest that you only weigh yourself once a week.

If people do not see quick results from their efforts they are often disappointed, and they do not understand that weight may fluctuate from day to day.

“Food is a drug” is a saying used by which diet icon?

Answer: Barry Sears

Barry Sears began the Zone diet. Follow ups to his best selling “Zone Diet” include the “Soy Zone” and the “Age Free Zone”.

To help create a healthier menu which famous diet guru has been working with McDonalds?

Answer: Dr. D. Ornish

Eat More Weigh Less was written by Dr. Dean Ornish. The diet recommends that people eat less refined carbohydrates and lower their fat intake. He started researching diets in his efforts to help his patients with heart disease.

Eating liver will help give your body which vitamin?

Answer: Vitamin Bs

By eating liver you can get vitamin B,12, 5 3 and 7.You can get vitamin B12 from eggs.

Which vitamin are you lacking if you get the disease rickets?

Answer: Vitamin D

The liver is a storage area for the vitamin D. To help reduce your chance of getting disease it is important to eat the proper amounts of vitamins and minerals.

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Posted on: February 28, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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