Before You Start Abdominal Trainings You Must Know Some Main Aspects About Abdominal Muscles

25th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Somewhere under that extra skin and fat stored around your middle is a group of four muscles called the abdominal muscles. The abdominal muscles include:

• the rectus abdominus, which runs up and down the anterior (front) surface of the trunk from the middle of the rib cage (fifth and sixth ribs near the sternum), between the rib cage and the pelvis
• the transverse abdominus, the deepest abdominal muscle, which starts at the middle of the rib cage (fifth and sixth ribs) and runs horizontally around the torso from the middle of the ribs to the pelvis
• the external oblique, which runs diagonally from your ribs lo your hips (imagine fibers running diagonally into the front pockets of your slacks)
• the internal oblique, which runs along the front and sides of your torso (imagine fibers running diagonally into your back pockets). Think of the oblique muscles of your waist muscles.
These muscles hold the abdominal organs in place, support the lower back, flex the trunk, maintain an erect posture, and play an important stabilizing role in almost any activity your body undertakes.

If your abdomen is one of your shaping trouble spots, first you need to get acquainted with your abdominal muscles; you need to know what it feels like when they contract or tighten. To find your abdominal muscles, stand tall with your hands along each side of your trunk just above the waist, with thumbs at the love handles and fingers pointing toward each other.
Now, tighten your stomach muscles, picturing the muscles tightening and drawing in toward your belly button. Your fingers should feel the muscles tighten.

If you try this and your ab muscles are still AWOL (absent without leave)—if you can’t feel them contract or feel them tighten under your fingers—try this method: Stand with your back against the wall. Place your fingers as instructed above. Now tighten your stomach muscle, picturing the muscles tightening, and flatten your back against the wall.

Next, stand tall (without your back against the wall| and tighten your stomach muscles without relying on your fingers to feel the contraction. As this gets easier, tighten your stomach muscles while walking around. When you can reliably feel them tightening, you are ready to tone your abdominal muscles while you walk.

After warming up with moderate-paced walking, start your Fitness Walking at a quicker pace, maintaining proper form. Now, hold your abdominal muscles tight, sucking them into your belly button while you walk. Do not let this interfere with your breathing. Your breathing should remain steady. Also, remind yourself not to bend forward at the waist as you tighten the stomach muscles. Maintain your tall and straight walking posture. Hold this muscle contraction for a count of 4, then release.

Get into control with your stomach muscles. Read more about abs workout.

Only helpful abs workout info will assist you in taking the real care of it and getting nice effect from abs workout.

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Posted on: February 25, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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