Hormonal Headache

16th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Headaches which are brought about by hormones are referred to as hormonal headaches. This type of headache however is only applicable for women. The endocrine glands will be distributing these hormones. At the time of reproducing a woman might experience fluctuations in her estrogen levels and this could bring about hormonal headaches.

These hormonal headaches are quite like migraine headaches. A person suffering from the condition might experience a throbbing like pain on one side of the head. Most irritating factor about these hormonal headaches is their ability to cause pain when a bright light appears. The symptoms of hormonal headaches may take the form of nausea and vomiting.

Mainly a reduction in the level of estrogen will be causing hormonal headaches. These hormonal headaches are especially undesirable due to their ability to cause irritating pain even for the simplest of factors such as a brighter light. Therefore any woman whose work is involved with computers will find it almost impossible to do their work.

A considerable amount of energy waste is possible due to hormonal headaches. In the time of ovulation it is expected to give such headache, therefore it is advisable to keep count of the frequency of ovulation. You would be able to know when you could get hormonal headaches. And the period it will last.

Irrespective of age women could find themselves suffering from hormonal headaches at any point of their lives. Therefore no such age limitation is applicable to hormonal headaches. However maintaining a healthy diet and proper exercising can bring about the downfall for such headaches. This will mean a proper estrogen level will be maintained throughout and you will also have a enough strength to confront such headaches. If you are keen to avoid hormonal headaches drinking an adequate amount of water while reducing the consumption of processed food like meat would be advisable.

Once you get a hormonal headache it is advisable to get immediate medical attention from the nearest medical expert. This will help you get rid of at least some percentage of the pain. You will most probably be guided to get better behaviors in the future to avoid such hormonal headache. The formula when in comes steering clear of these kind of headaches would be ensuring that your diet is healthier and your ensuring that you get proper exercise.

Make a little online research and educate yourself about such irritating headaches. This will not only help you in making a relief to the current headaches but will also provide you with valuable information on preparing your body for future situations.

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