Fibromyalgia Vs Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

10th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

chronic fatigue syndrome fibromyalgia is common amongst many middle age working people as a result of constant stress and lack of quality food. Middle aged women who suffer mostly with arthritis are more vulnerable to get some chronic fatigue syndrome fibromyalgia.

Still these syndromes are not yet being recognized on scientific terms as to how they begin with or what really causes them. Although according to the statistics the middle aged women have more tendency to get it, there are no proofs that men will not get it.

With fibromyalgia a small muscle pull or an exercise could give lot of pain to the person. To confront chronic fatigue syndrome fibromyalgia there are still no scientifically proven diagnosis. Pain in the joints, muscle pains, depression, hair loss, excessive weight gain and also dry skin are some of the common aspects of chronic fatigue syndrome fibromyalgia.

One reason for this kind of tiredness could be assumed to be as the insufficient thyroid hormones. For the metabolism to work properly human body depends on the hormones produced by the thyroid and hence a lack of hormones from thyroid could well be a factor for chronic fatigue syndrome fibromyalgia.

Such kind of weakening of the body could be avoided through proper intake of vitamins and proper exercising. Although there isn’t a proper diagnosis available at this point for chronic fatigue syndrome fibromyalgia, proper intake of medicine could help. Another factor which will help the course of getting rid of the annoying situation is by getting proper sleep and exercise.

The diagnosis becomes almost impossible due to the facts of difficulties in identifying the correct situation in a chronic fatigue syndrome fibromyalgia. There are various other illnesses which will accompany similar kind of symptoms. While some are due to lack of sleep or exercising other serious situations such as internal health issue could also be the cause of such symptoms.

Most of the time women in the age of 25-45 will be getting fibromyalgia vs chronic fatigue syndrome. There is a slight chance for men to also develop the same illness. Going with the numbers though, women has got the higher chance of catching up with the difficulties. The usage of more hormones could well be the reason for this.

However if the science can’t protect you with this sort of an illness, it is up to you to take care of yourself. Do some exercises from the young age and be fitter to confront such situation.

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