Causes and Cures for Hemorrhoids

7th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

People with piles have been stereotyped by the comics or comics to be laughing stocks. That is the reason why fewer folks with haemorrhoids tend to visit a doctor. Rather, they prefer to wait for the pain to go down and just fret about it some other time, particularly if the pain becomes protracted.

If you are actually worried about having haemorrhoids, having a healthy lifestyle will help a lot. Here are some causes of hemorrhoids.


Being pregnant causes a lady to increase chances of having hemorrhoids. This is because the colonic veins will be pressured more due to the added weight in the uterus. For girls who are experiencing haemorrhoids, pregnancy can aggravate the problem.

Women who are pregnant who do not experience haemorrhoids during pregnancy may still get hemorrhoids in labor. This is thanks to the long and arduous delivery.

Another cause is the bowel problems a girl experiences after birth. Due to the tenderness in the anal sphincter and perianal area, ladies will prolong bowel movements. Hemorrhoids during pregnancy is one thing a number of new mothers have to deal with.

Delaying Bowel Movements:

There are a number of folks who are scared to empty out when not at home because the toilet might be filthy. One more reason is that there’s just no toilet nearby. So folks will simply try and force the fecal matter back within for two more hours. Doing this occasionally can do no harm. But if it becomes habitual it might lead to piles.

If the substance stays in the fecal colon, it becomes harder and drier. This makes it more work to pass. You’ll then need to to strain more to get it out.

The colonic muscles that signal a person its moment to empty out may also become weaker. For example, try to imagine that you all of a sudden have a bowel movement in your pants because you failed to feel anything.


There are lots of diseases that cause piles. Among the diseases is anal cancer. This is because colonic cancer will make the individual have ‘false’ calls of nature. It causes the person to go the bathroom more frequently and strain longer.

People who misuse alcohol will make their livers bigger. This could then create additional pressure on the rectal veins. Other illnesses that may also cause piles are crabby bowel syndrome and intestinal tumor. These sicknesses cause constipation or interfere with standard elimination.

There are other causes of hemorrhoids besides these three. Though experiencing hemorrhoids while pregnant often cannot be helped, the right lifestyle will help prevent hemorrhoids overall, even while pregnant.

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