Find Out How You Can Get A Firm Abdomen

5th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Training to get a firm abdomen means to extend and exalt flaccid stomach muscles and force them to work again. You stomach became flabby due to a number of reasons some of which have been associated with childbirth, age, abdominal surgery, or simply because of fat junk food you’ve been constantly consuming. But we all want to look our best, especially in summer on the beach, so it’s time to get to work to return that flat belly back.

If you live near a gym or have a gym membership, then it is a very good time to go use it. The day to start training your abdominal muscles has come.

If you are more honest with yourself and know that you will not be able to keep your twelve months gym membership and decided that walking is more close to your style, good for you! You can simply go and enjoy your walks once or twice a week, preferably if you can hide away the scales for the next month. If you insist on their use you may be discouraged too easily and not get the very abdomen you always wanted to have. Believe scales are not your friend when you are at the very beginning of your training program.

If you’ve been going to the gym, then you have been probably working with the gym instructor and have already made many of the exercises to flatten and tighten your ab muscles. It is not a secret that you can do these exercises at home. An additional set during the day will only make you stronger and it will definitely help you to flatten your stomach.

If you’ve been walking, then it’s time to do some floor workouts. Straight leg lifts is undoubtedly one of the best exercises that gives the best results it is also the exercise that a lot of people also use to strengthen their thigh muscles and the lower abdomen. Start with a series of ten and work your way up to three sets of ten.

There is one more effective exercise. To perform it lie on your back, lift your knees and place your feet flat on the mat, put your hands along your body with palms down and lift your buttocks off the floor as high as you can. Hands should be placed on the mat, palms down. Performing the exercise you must feel how your hips, back and abdominal muscles are doing the work. Do not press too hard as you can easily pull a muscle. Simply lift the back and stomach in the air, doing the exercise more intensively every time you are training.

Consistency is the main key to obtaining a flat abdomen.

Really want to have flat stomach? In this case you should learn more about abs workout.

Surely abs workout are not some sort of silver bullet against all problems, but if you take care of abs workout seriously – then it will will serve you the right way.

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Posted on: February 5, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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