Absolo Core Intensive Training System

4th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

“The AB Solo has been very popular in gyms throughout the world for many years, and we are delighted to bring it directly to the American public for the first time,” said Doug Campbell, Vice President for Funding of Incredible Discoveries, a leading infomercial producer. As of 2008, consumers can now purchase the Absolo Core Intensive Training System, which has been receiving high praise from fitness club trainers across the nation for years. The idea with Absolo Core is that exercising can be fun, while building strength, endurance, cardio and muscle coordination!

AbSolo is a super machine. Its full name is The Absolo Core Intensive Training System. Its purpose is to strengthen your abdominal area, back and your oblique muscles, which are the ones that run down the sides of your body. When you twist to toss the ball you will be working those muscles. I feel my entire body working when I used this machine. Your shoulders, biceps, triceps and even your legs come into play. If you lie on a decline bench and put your feet under the holders and do a crunch or sit up, then one of the first places you may feel this is in your quadriceps (upper thighs). Although this machine is designed differently I still feel it in my quads.

The Absolo Core Intensive Training System is designed to be a fun alternative to those boring, tedious crunches we all loathe. This 300-pound apparatus is 7 feet tall by 9 feet long and 2 feet wide. Along with your machine, you’ll get six medicine balls weighing five pounds, seven pounds and nine pounds, as well as a ball catch/return and bounce board. To use Absolo, you sit in the seat with padded backing and adjust it until you feel comfortable. Next, put your feet into the adjustable foot holders. You’ll then begin shooting the medicine balls toward the backboard, much like playing basketball, to get your ab workout. The ball will land behind the vinyl ball catcher and run down the ball chute, where you can grab it and keep going for as long as you’d like.

The manufacturer of Absolo Core Intensive Training System says there are three main reasons to choose this machine. First of all, it’s a challenging core exercise. “Throwing and retrieving the medicine balls stabilizes the core, helping reduce the risk of injury due to weak core muscles,” Absolo creators say. Secondly, Absolo improves real-life athletic performance by increasing strength and coordination that carries over into athletics like tennis, golf, basketball and baseball. Lastly, the Absolo is both motivational and fun. Exercisers can set their own pace and feel satisfied with their training.

The Absolo Core Intensive Training System may not be for everyone. For one, the price tag of $1,500 may be prohibitive for some individuals. Secondly, Absolo should only be used by children who are supervised, elderly patients who have a doctor’s approval and injured patients who have clearance from a licensed physical therapist. People with back or neck injuries should not use the Absolo machine, period. For more information, visit www.bigfitness.com/abcointrsy.html.

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