Get Helpful Information About Causes Of Sciatica Pain Inside This Post.

3rd February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Many people nowadays suffer from sciatica, so there is small wonder that you know from your own experience or from the experience of your friends or relatives what sciatica is. It’s not a secret that sciatica is a symptom, when you have sharp pain in your back going down to your leg.

The main case is the compression of the sciatic nerve, mainly caused by herniated disc. Of course, first of all you need to visit a doctor when you have a sore back. If you also numbness or pain in your leg – it is an additional symptom. According to the statics, more than 80 % of all patients get well without any surgery. So, when you feel sharp pain in back you should be aware of the other symptoms you may have if you a sciatica. When the everyday activities, especially coughing and sitting bring pain, this is another sciatica symptom. The numbness may appear in your legs. But when you start lose control over your bowels, you should definitely go and see your doctor because it may mean that you have a serious disease called cauda equine. In this case you would definitely need immediate surgery.

The other useful thing for you to know is that mainly sciatica is connected with inflammation that may soon disappear. In addition it should be mentioned that the patients feel better quite soon: in two or even less weeks. But in some cases it may take months. On the other hand unfortunately the sciatica symptoms may come back soon again. Beyond any doubt you have to pay serious attention to the fact that sciatica can not be caused by some fall or accident. According to statistics, the main group that may suffer from this syndrome is people between 30 and 50 years. Besides, the additional attention should be paid to the fact that getting older, our discs may degenerate which may lead to the herniation of the disc. The herniated disc in its turn pushes upon the root of the nerve which is called sciatic one.

So if you have this symptoms, first of all you need to reduce the pain. Mainly the anti-inflammatory medications are prescribed. You should be prepared that the relief may come not in the first day. Actually it may take several days and you may need to stay in bed. In general the sciatica treatment may be non-surgical and surgical. In fact, the latter is applied only in the most severe cases. To the non-surgical ways belong exercises and stretching. But you should know that you must be careful with them as you may make the things worse. Besides, jogging and walking may also have a negative impact.

To learn more about sciatica and sciatica in particular – please visit this site with helpful sciatica-related info.

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Posted on: February 3, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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