The Crutial Steps to Stop Panic Attacks

2nd February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

People who suffer from panic attacks know the attacks can be completely debilitating. With this in mind, they believe there is nothing that can be done to stop the attacks or to help relieve the symptoms. However even though a panic attack can be really awful, there are steps to stop a panic attack. At the very least, you can slow it down so that the symptoms are not as extreme. Panic attacks can be caused by a variety of different things. There are times that the attacks are caused by unsettled matters from your past. There are also time when the attacks are the result of a recent traumatic or extremely stressful event. Other times, the attacks can be due to no having the proper coping skills to effectively deal with life’s stressors. Once the underlying causes of a panic attack have been identified, the individual can often have fewer panic attacks, and can function normally in their life. However, if the attacks are allowed to continue and no attempts are made to treat them, they can become increasingly worse until agoraphobia,the fear of leaving the house, sets in.

Taking Precautions

If you want to stop your panic attacks, you have to understand and acknowledge the triggers of the attacks. There are many different types of triggers, including a particular person, animal, situation, or issue that is not resolved. Once you know the triggers, you can proceed to the next step in stopping panic attacks.

Since a person who gets help with a panic attack has often experienced more than one of them, they will know what symptoms tend to show up following the beginning of an attack. Being able to identify the initial symptoms, a you will be able to talk yourself through the attack. This will help you stay calmer throughout the attack. One addition to this step to stop a panic attack would be to use self talk, where the individual tells themselves that they have been through an attack before and survived it, therefore they can do it again. You will also want to learn to take nice, slow, deep breaths. Breathing slowly from your diaphragm will allow you to calm your body.

In addition to these steps to stop panic attacks, when an attack is about to start, or is already starting, there are many other preventative measures that this individual can use. Most people who suffer from panic attacks will be hard on themselves. They will blame themselves for the attacks and think there is something wrong with them.

For these people, they need to know panic attacks are out of their control and they should have a better outlook on themselves. They can reduce panic attacks by having realistic expectations about stopping the attacks and reduce the situation that causes them. They should stop smoking, drinking, and using caffeine regularly because it can lead to a panic attack.

These are the first steps to stop a panic attack, if you would like more information visit How To Cure Panic attacks or you can check out a great blog on how to cure panic attackshere

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