Learn The Secrets To Controlling Your Eating At Buffets

1st February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Here are some things to talk about in a weight loss forum that will help you sound good. It will also stimulate some great conversation that can give you some tips that you can instantly use. Buffet restaurants around the country were the backdrop for research between how fat people and thin people conduct themselves around food.The manner of eating between the two groups of people was studied by looking at a pool of 213 diners.

Those who chewed the most per bite, sat with their face toward the buffet, and ate the fastest were those who were of higher Body Mass Index (BMI).The opposite was pretty much true for the thin person at the buffet. Studies like this help us to understand how to lose weight fast.

This confirmed earlier reports that showed a correlation between body weight and eating speed.The term used to describe this phenomenon is time-energy displacement.The people most likely to become fat from overeating are those who eat the fastest.

I also need to mention research concerning the way different food makes you feel satisfied.Time-energy displacement can be beneficially used by selecting food that necessarily takes longer to eat and food that makes you feel more satisfied.

Another trick is to eat food that has fewer calories per unit of weight: eating too many calories would be very difficult that way.

Finally, all these studies show us once again that people can consume large amounts of calories from liquids in a very short period of time.

As confirmed by all this research, parents admonishing children to take their time while eating are more correct than they ever though.

For information about how to lose weight fast and how to receive an in depth free fat loss report, go to www.fatlossfactor.com.

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