Best Sit Up

28th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Designed to train the upper, lower and oblique abdominal muscles, sit ups are efficient exercises when performed correctly. The best sit ups lead to a superior abdominal strength but results come after consistent training. All beginners start sit ups by lying down on the floor with the hands at the back of the head, lifting up from the floor and lowering down again in repeated moves. At first, the moves take quite a bit of effort and only in time will you be prepared to add some new challenges to them.

The more you advance with the body training, the more difficult the ab exercises should get. The best sit ups for an intermediate level can be done on an incline bench or on a Swiss ball. Other people put a weight on their chest while exercising to increase the difficulty. Once a certain exercise becomes easy to perform, it’s clear that you are ready to move on to the next level. Use heavier weights or change the legs position when performing the sit ups. Instead of keeping them on the ground, try to lift them in the air while you do the sit ups.

Pedaling is also possible while doing sit ups, but the advanced will handle such exercises most of the times. Leg movements with the right knee touching the left elbow and the left knee the right elbow increase the efficiency of the best sit ups. There are a few tricks and tips meant to maximize the efficiency of the best sit ups. For instance, you should always keep the abdominal muscles slightly tight while sitting up so as to improve the training. Once you get in the maximum raised position you should not bring the torso back on the ground before holding it up for a second.

The hands position is also essential. When held behind the head, the sits ups are easier, but the best sit up have no head support at all. From behind the head, you can move the hands to the sides, then on the chest and finally on the sides when the time is right. The sit ups can further be combined with twisting crunches in order to train the obliques or the waist muscles too. Raise the shoulder blades from the ground and instead of bringing them towards a vertical position, do a twist to the side. This should allow you to work out all the abdominal muscles in one.

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Posted on: January 28, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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