Can Lupus Cause Adult Bed Wetting?

28th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

One of the causes of adult bed wetting is the autoimmune disease Lupus Nephritis. But before you go jumping to any conclusions, adult bed wetting can have many underlying causes.

It is definitely an indication of a problem to be bed wetting as an adult and as such should be investigated. To diagnose Lupus as the cause of this bed wetting requires a very detailed analysis as adult bed wetting may be caused by any number of kidney or bladder conditions. Bed wetting as an adult does not immediately imply that the patient has Lupus.

Adult bed wetting is not an ordinary behavior, and the causes of adult bed wetting should be sought after with a doctor immediately. As this is certainly not a normal condition, it indicates that something is actually physically wrong with you and that normal behavioral therapy as recommended for children will not work with you.

Urination can be controlled with medication if the underlying cause of the bed wetting is not considered to be one of the other causes, but is in fact caused by Lupus. Whilst medication will help, there are also some other products that might make your life more bearable whilst the bed wetting episodes continue. One of these products is a bed wetting alarm that is specifically designed to help you wake up and use the bathroom before a bed wetting scenario occurs. If bed wetting does occur, the use of adult diapers can also help to save the burden of all the extra laundry that would normally occur. These products may not reduce the embarrassment of bed wetting, but the can limit the uncomfortable aspects.

Its is important to keep your thoughts positive especially with a condition like Lupus. Low self esteem will creep into your work and family lives if you let it, so its important to keep the low self esteem and depression at bay.

All conditions like this will cause a certain amount of mental anguish, but its important that you keep your chin up and control the mental aspect of the problem as well as the physical.

Adult bed wetting is a very traumatic condition, and even when caused by Lupus it can be a potentially embarrassing complaint. This does not mean that the cause and symptoms should be ignored however and they should be dealt with promptly.

After an initial consultation with your doctor, they will most likely reveal to you that the episodes of adult bed wetting are inevitable. And whilst this is generally the case, alternative medicines and alternative therapies such as hypnotherapy can also be used to deal with the symptoms of Lupus induced adult bed wetting.

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