Healthy Snacking At The Office

31st March, 2008 - Posted by healthy - No Comments

If you work in an office, chances are you fall into one of two groups. The first group plans ahead and brings healthy food with them to snack on throughout the day. The other group brings a lot of loose change and hits the vending machine when they get hungry.

Which group do you suppose finds it easier to keep on track with their fitness goals?

By doing a bit of planning before you get to work and taking along some easy but healthy snacks, you’ll accomplish quite a few positive things. You’ll not only eat fewer calories and keep yourself on track, but most likely you’ll find you have more energy throughout the day.

Increased energy will help you do a better job while you’re at work and still leave you with some energy to spare for when you get home. If that’s not enough, you’ll save money too since you’re not going to the vending machine all day long.

So, what are the best healthy snacks to pack and take with you to the office?

If you have access to a refrigerator like most office workers do, it’s pretty easy to plan. Foods like yogurt, cheese and even chicken can be packed and kept cool until you’re ready to eat them. You can also take along fruit, veggies and whole grain crackers.

Almonds and other nuts also make great snacks and can keep you feeling satisfied between meals. If you really don’t have time to get a few things together, check your local sports nutrition store for some meal replacement bars. While regular, whole foods are preferred, a nutrition bar every now and then will work in a pinch.

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