Can belly Dancing Keep You Fit and Healthy? .

20th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

To many of us, belly dancing conjures up images of eastern woman in colourful costumes but nowadays belly dancing is fast becoming a new way to, not only meet people, but to keep fit at the same time.

The UK,The USA and other countries throughout the west are seeing an increase in belly dancing classes and a substantial rise in belly dancing acts for caberets and nightclubs.

So why has belly dancing suddenly seen an increase in popularity?

Probably because belly dancing is excellent fun, has a fantastic social scene associated with it and keeps you fit at the same time. Not only this, but the costumes are sexy and feminine and you do not have to be stick thin to be able to participate.

Belly dancing movements are focused on your hips and lower back and as most people experience problems in their hip and lower back regions as they get older, exercising these areas can only benefit you in later years. You will also benefit from all over body toning and belly dancing also increase your metabolic rate and blood circulation making you feel fit and healthy.

Woman of all ages can start belly dancing. Too many of us spend too much time sitting behind behind the wheel of a car or desks. A few hours spent belly dancing a week will make you feel as good as a workout at the gym.

Before enrolling in a class you may like to practise at home. Various websites and books will cover various styles and techniques and there are some fantastic training videos for beginners as well as the more professional dancer.

Most importantly, ensure you keep an eye on your figure. There is no better incentive to carry on belly dancing than feeling fitter and seeing a change to your waistline!

Ballroom Dancing North London and Belly Dance London are fantastic ways of keeping fit. Find out more on belly dancing and other styles of dance to keep you fit.

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