How To Lose Belly Fat Fast

18th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Resorting to this or that diet, we do not pay frequently attention to equation its food components. And as practice shows, it has important value. It is no secret, that if the organism does not receive enough of vitamin «D», mastering of calcium from food will be broken, the bone fabric, especially at babies and older persons as a result will suffer, and abundance of vitamin “C” will lead to formation of stones in kidneys, and its lack to bad mastering of iron, etc.

Here also there are that certain elements, in products arriving in an organism, co-operate with each other, making integral system, and at loss of any of links all system, as it is known, suffers, bringing harm as a whole to health of our organism.

The given fact, at least, should set thinking at acceptance of the correct decision, which the various diets, especially very advertised, but scientifically not proved wish to apply people.

The human body demands enough of energy for maintenance of normal ability to live. If with foodstuff the insufficient quantity of carbohydrates then the energy lack, is filled for the account of burning of fiber and if it arrives insufficiently, function of restoration and updating of fabrics as a result suffers. Restriction of quantity of fiber is frequently observed in many diets directed on a weight loss. Long stay on the given diets can lead to pitiable consequences. As a whole the increase or quantity reduction only one consumed element, can cause to misbalance as a whole systems that will essentially do much harm to health.

It is impossible to disregard and specific features of each organism. After all, as a rule, there are no average norms of consumption of this or that substance as it is described in the popular literature. For each person the given indicator is individual. And the requirement for energy at each person is especially individual, despite similarity at many anthropometrical parameters. And all it depends not only on a way of life, physical activity, and from a kind of a metabolism an organism.

Speed of exchange processes can be caused by such characteristics as: heredity, age, a state of health, presence of diseases, and so on. Here on it the diet should steal up individually, with the account not only equation of components, but also features of an organism, and also a state of health.

Recently there were fashionable clinical researches in which result under the blood analysis define shipping an organism of this or that product, and also an optimum parity and compatibility of those or other products in your organism. Up to the end this technique is not approved yet. But why not to take from the received information necessary components for drawing up of own balanced food or selection of an individual diet.

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Posted on: January 18, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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