Basic Points About Healthy And Balanced Diet

17th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If you have decided for yourself to lose some weight seriously and for a long time it is necessary to understand that this process is not fast at all. Perfect measure for weight loss is considered to be such as three kg a month and no more. If the person has considerable quantity of excessive fat so this process can go more actively and fast. It is not that bad, after all healthy and balanced diet and a resolute spirit will not leave any chance to those few excessive kilograms.

Also those people, who have decided for themselves to lose weight properly and have achieved this objective, as a result receive a very attractive body appearance and essentially improve their health state.

Many people bather one question of how to keep the weight at desirable level. Especially it is important for the people who suffer from obesity, because this kind of disease needs to be supervised on a constant basic. Also you have to always remember that the proper technique of losing weight means not only getting rid of excessive weight and to maintain some fine forms of your body, but also developing some proper and healthy eating habits, because only in this situation further it should not be hard for you to keep those reached weight loss result and the process of losing weight will go naturally.

That is why I would also like to propose you a list of healthy and right food products that should definitely included in your healthy and balanced diet:

Let us start with different herbal and green teas which contain powerful antioxidants that help to protect our body from cardiovascular diseases and some kinds of a cancer. Researches of the Japanese experts have revealed direct dependence between the use of green tea and life expectancy.

Nuts of all kinds are very beneficial and favorable to our organism, too. Scientists have proved that even a small amount of nuts consumed by the person on regularly basis allows lowering the risk of diabetes.

Or for example, soya reduces arterial pressure, cholesterol level in blood and reduces the risk of formation of blood clots that is why I would highly recommend you to add it to your eating menu.

Grain of a rough grinding and products from a flour of a rough grinding allow lowering the risk of a heart attack.

Also some sorts of fat fish, like for example, salmon fish has some magnificent preventive qualities of arthritis, a diabetes and weak-mindedness. It contains vitamins E and D and it is also rich in fat acids which have some favorable influence on humans of heart and arteries.

So now you know how it is favorable and beneficial to stick to balanced and healthy eating.

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Posted on: January 17, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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