Distance Running

17th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The information we would like to offer you here is meant especially for joggers. We would like to ask you a question: will you jog is there is a snowstorm outside? Most of you will say “no” as they believe that a day off jogging will not do you any harm: your muscles will not lose their strength, and you will not lose your fitness. A day or two off will not do you any harm. Yet, there will be those who will say that running in a snowstorm is a challenge and doing it will make their body more enduring or more tempered. We aim our article at those who prefer running is frosty and snowy weather.

Unfortunately, though you may not realize this, your life is in danger. First of all, those who wish to jog in a blizzards, usually choose to run along the street and not on the sidewalk as running along the street is usually less complicated for the streets are cleaned for the drivers to manage through the snow. In case, the road is frozen, there is always a chance that there will be someone who will lose control of a car. As you can imagine being in a midst of an accident is not a very good option. In addition, the chance to fall on a slippery road or pavement is always great. As you can understand, this may result in injuries or even broken limbs. The same is true about the obstacles covered in snow that you do not see. Stumbling on such obstacle may lead to severe injury or even death.

In addition, running is a squally weather is always connected with the risk to injure limbs or open parts of your body by frostbite. Even if you will avoid the problem of frostbiting you still have the chance of getting skin problems like exposure to wind, dryness, redness, etc. If this is something quite insignificant for men, women may suffer beauty loss and ultimate ageing. What is more, when you run you have a whole lot of energy released. Yet, the difference in the temperatures may lead to problems with heart that has to pump the blood with increased force. Furthermore, as you breathe, cold air entering your lungs may lead to the inflammations and pneumonias. The effect of cold on your sweaty head may also be adverse: thus, migraines or meningitis are not uncommon.

All in all, it is more advisable to stay at home with your family in bad weather than jogging. If you feel you still need the exercise, consider buying a training simulator and place it in front of the window. Or, there is no better exercise than shoveling the snow off your drive!

Obviously distance running can assist a lot with the general fitness and health of your body. So, if you are interested in the runners training diet or distance running information – please visit this site.

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Posted on: January 17, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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