It Is Really Important For You To Know How To Reduce The Number Of Consumed Calories

15th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

A lot of fitness amateurs sweat in the gyms or at home with a strong desire to boast of ripped six-packs. They perform a lot of abdominal exercises, undertake cardiovascular and strength training, as it is prescribed by fitness experts. Luckily, most of the sportsmen realize the importance of a low-caloric diet for burning abdominal fat. But a lot of people still find it difficult to refuse from all tasty things in the name of well-shaped abs. Below are several tips that will help to substantially reduce number of consumed calories without exhaustive diets. Even those who cannot boast of a strong will may easily follow them.

The first secret is frequent meals. It may be a surprise for a lot of people that in order to lose weight it is better to eat frequently. But if your portions will be small everything is possible. Small portions eaten frequently will accelerate the metabolism and prevent overeating, since you will not feel too hungry. It is a good alternative to having one meal a day. Those who have rare meals tend to eat much more than they need, and consequently, gain weight.

Secondly, usual meals should consist of low-caloric products like vegetables, fruits, dairy products, cereals, fish and meat. In addition to low-caloric content they are rich in vitamins and microelements and allow feeling full longer. If you have a sweet tooth and feel dying without a cake or sweets, you may afford a bit of black chocolate that will sugar your life and enliven you. A lot of experts claim that a reasonable piece of chocolate is less harmful than cakes, cookies and other starchy food.

You may also neutralize a substantial source of empty calories, if you refuse from sweet fizzy drinks. They are rich in sugars, and consequently, high-caloric. The same situation is with alcohol beverages. In addition to extra calories they stimulate your appetite and in the end you eat more. So it is better to abstain from sweet beverages and alcohol cocktails as far as possible and substitute them by herbal teas and spring water.

And in the end I would like to remind that what you eat is as important as when you eat. Due to peculiarities of our organisms, we burn all calories that we consume in the first part of the day, and accumulate those that are eaten in the afternoon. That is why experts strongly recommend not to eat late in the evening, since it will be reflected on our abs and waists. All high-caloric food and chocolate in allowed portions should be eaten in the morning as well, if you want to have everything burnt during the day. Evening meals should be light in order to deprive your organism of the pleasure of making fat accumulations.

Wanna get flat stomach? In this case you should find out more about abs workout.

Of course, abs workout are not some sort of magic against all problems, but if you take care of abs workout properly – then it will help you for sure.

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Posted on: January 15, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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