Kind Of Allergic Reaction To Amoxicillin

13th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Do you know such kind of allergy as honey allergy? Can honey make any negative reactions to the organism as the sum of pollen of plants, could the nectar collected from them be found in honey?

Serious reactions to pollen for patients with an allergy on honey are rare. Serial honey filters and pasteurizes, hence, the pollen sum of honey is, probably, on low level. All of us know that fibers are included in most food allergies. Honey is basically plain sugars which are carbohydrates and incapable to make such by-effects. However, beekeeping products such as propolis, royal jelly, honey and raw materials (for example, meal honey directly with cellular), possibly, it is necessary to avoid people who are sensitive to pollen of bees as nobody can really guarantee its absence in these products of beekeeping. Hence, I do not avoid any honey by-effects, but I consider it will not be the correct list. Honey as allergen, along with pollen, bee sting (with stings of bees), a dust, or food allergens is based as a peanut, eggs, milk, nuts and mollusks. Nevertheless, the diagnosis of the doctor should always search any prospective reaction on medical.

Concerning safety of honey it is possible also arisen in connection with presence of dispute which is capable to lead to rare deadly illness found out in 1976 called as a botulism nursery. Though reaction to honey cannot be created on 100 %, and all of us know that honey consumption, as a rule, safe for the adults, many people really believe that the use in food can reduce local honey and treatments of these reactions to pollen, helping the body to become tolerant to them. That is why honey operates as the amplifier immune against negative consequences. Benefits from the local honey are better, when honey undertakes a small slice in day within several months prior to the beginning of season pollen. It has been told that the more close honey have lifted where you live, the better.

Thomas Leo Ogren has the garden and the kitchen garden: “It can seem strange that direct influence on pollen often causes an allergy, but that pollen influenced in honey usually has opposite effect. But it is, as a rule, what we see. The basic difference is that though honey is much easier to accept and it is, of course, much cheaper. I am always surprised that this powerful advantage of local honey to health no more wide understanding as it is simple, easy and often surprisingly effective”.

If you decide to give local honey try to consult with your doctor before use.

Learn, how natural honey is, why this super-products should be differentiated from other substances and how it can benefit for health surprising and backs-off your life and a life of your relatives in http://www.benefits –

For the info about allergic reactions and allergic reactions symptoms, please visit this web site. This is a concise and helpful resource with useful allergic reactions publications on it.

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