Hair Style Fashion

12th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If you want to have a beautiful hair, you should not hope that it will appear magically. It is necessary to devote some time and effort to achieve fabulous results with your hair. And you might need to spend some money on your hair as well. For example, buying high quality hair styling equipment ensures that you will be able to achieve great results with your hair.

Most hair styling equipment is very easy to use. However, you might want to learn some tips on how to achieve the best results with your hair styling equipment.

If you plan to use a curling iron, it is essential to let your hair completely dry before using it. If your hair is even slightly damp, you will end up with limp curls that will not last long. Wet hair is not able to get the right shape and it will look dull and “cooked” instead of being properly shaped.

Another important tip is to let your curls cool down before you start to style them. Wrap your curling iron with a section of the hair and hold it for a couple of seconds. This will allow heat to spread evenly through the hair. Afterwards give a curl a few minutes to cool down.

After you have formed the curls you may apply some hair spray on them to fix the style.

All of us use blow dryers more or less frequently. It is recommended to apply some heat protective lotion or spray before blow drying your hair. This will save your hair from damage and will allow you to achieve better results.

It is advisable to use blow dryers with variable settings on speed and temperature. Some blow dryers are known for producing negative ions that help to treat your hair in a proper way.

It is important to position the air stream towards the ends of the hair. This reduces the risk of damaging hair cuticle which may take place when hot air runs up the roots of the hair.

It is also important to keep the blow dryer no less than six or eight inches away from the hair. And you should never expose your hair to high temperature for a long time.

When using flat iron it is also important to make sure that you use it on dry hair. Using flat iron on wet hair may lead to hair damage and dull hair look. You should also apply heat protective lotion on your hair before using flat iron. Your hair needs protection against high temperatures. Another advantage of using heat protective lotions is that the result will last longer on your hair.

Try to follow these tips and enjoy your beautiful and healthy hair.

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Posted on: January 12, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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