Causes For Chronic Fatigue

11th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Have your muscles and joints been aching lately? Do you feel exhausted very often? Most of the time, these signs are a result of sleeping too much or simply being lazy. However, there may be a new reason behind them; chronic fatigue syndrome. Eventhough this may not be common, most people suffer from this after having fallen sick due to a viral flu. Other signs of this includes headaches, forgetfulness and sore throats.

Chronic Fatigue Causes could also be as a result of lack of sleep, stress, depression, anxiety, inactiveness, imbalanced diets and often the side effects of certain drugs. The results of these chronic fatigue causes with time will then lead to chronic fatigue syndrome.

You can prevent chronic fatigue syndrome by being more aware of the symptoms. One of the main chronic fatigue causes is lack of sleep. This can easily be corrected by having a routine sleep timetable and not sleeping in an irregular pattern. Sleeping at the same time each night and waking up at the same time each morning is recommended as the body then gets used to this and gets ready when the time comes to sleep.

Other chronic fatigue causes like stress, depression and anxiety must be treated at the beginning without neglecting them. It that is important to note that stress and anxiety lead to slow breathing and often, low oxygen levels in the body. Breathing consciously will increase oxygen supply to the body and will aid in getting rid of the stress and anxiety. Breathing exercises will also help to relax the body in environments that lead to stress.

Depression, another of the major chronic fatigue causes, can be dealt with the help of friends and other relatives.

Working people, and a large number of teenagers do not get enough exercise during a typical day. The day is spent in front of a desk or lazing around on the couch, watching the television. This lack of activity in one’s body is one of the many chronic fatigue causes. This can be easily avoided by adding a bit of exercise into the daily routine. Joining a gym is the best way for get rid of this fatigue.

Unhealthy diets, is not only of the chronic fatigue syndrome causes, but also a major contributor to obesity and other illnesses, can be seen to be very common among people these days. An easy way of avoiding it is to eat controlled balanced meals and also changing your lifestyle to a healthier one.

With the proper steps, chronic fatigue syndrome is something that can be easily avoided. As they say, prevention is better than cure.

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