Things To Know About Calories If You Want To Lose Weight Effectively

10th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

While losing the weight we have often heard such words as calories and kilocalories. But what is it in the reality? In fact, these terms are measurement of energy. The unit of energy is traditionally considered to be 1 calorie. Today there is a lot of confusion about what calories are and do. If you want to understand how calories influence our lives we have to understand how they interact with us on a daily basis and a long term way. There are four major areas that impact in what way calories affect us.

All people need calories to function properly at our optimum state. The Basal Metabolic Rate or simply BMR indicates the minimum amount of calories that we need to keep the basic functions of the body like breathing and heart pumping. Normally it is measured for a person by testing how much oxygen the organism needs for a certain amount of time. Everyone will be depending on how efficient their systems will be. The main way to figure out how many calories you need on a daily basis is to multiply by 10 (if you are a woman) or 11 (if you are a man) your weight in pounds, for example 160 pounds x 11 = 1760 calories per day. It is approximately, but it can give you a proper idea.

Traditionally, there are some differences between women and men in the amount of body fat and muscle mass each of them carry at the same age. In the case of muscle burning more calories than fat, men traditionally are in great need of more calories than women by 10 per cent. However there are some exceptions such as women who during the pregnancy and breast feeding period will need higher calorie intake per day than their normal amount.

Need of calorie intake traditionally declines with age from 25 years. Getting older fat takes the place of muscles as our physical activity is becoming lower. It is not about we are going to be reduced to weak blobs in later life due to muscles could be retained and strengthened with the help of exercises into our senior years. Traditionally, our caloric needs drop by some per cent every decade or after 25.

To have greater muscle mass means to have higher metabolism and to have greater proportion of body fat means to have lower metabolism. The lower your metabolism because of the higher level of body fat and less muscle the more chances you have to store fat up. When you are fit and keep up with some physical activities you will utilize more calories than you consume and it will be resulted in losing the weight.

Is it realistic to lose 10 pounds? Well, in the age which is close to breaking through with artificial intelligence most likely the answer should be, “Surely it is possible to lose 10 pounds fast!” But this is not so easy, especially if we are talking about to lose 10 pounds permanently.

That is why if you are properly armed with the knowledge in your sphere of interest you can be sure that you will always find the solution to any bad situation.

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Posted on: January 10, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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