Breastfeeding? Lose That Pregnancy Blubber Now!

9th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If you have recently had a baby and then weighed yourself, it is very probable that you either felt absolute shock or complete disbelief. Though having a baby is one of the most superb things that could happen to you, it’s usual to be so disappointed at the way your body changes its shape after you’ve given birth.

There is good news though. You don’t have to keep feeling bad and disappointed, because the weight that you put on when pregnant can be shed with a little persistence and discipline in your life and your diet.

Weight control is in reality suggested as you are progressing thru your pregnancy. Many women take yoga classes or exercise regularly thru their pregnancy in order that they have a healthy weight gain and may be able to lose that weight readily after they have given birth. However , if you have not done that, it is not too late to begin right now. You can chose a weight exercise from amongst a few popular ones.

Water retention is common after giving birth therefore step 1 towards losing weight is to test your joints, ankles, face and arms. If they appear distended, it is due to fluid retention. Liquid can be expelled from the body by eating a diet rich in fiber. Herbal teas like those of lemon grass and chamomile can also help you get rid of unnecessary fluids from your body. If you again want to be thin weight loss is the only real way you can get to it. These are some tips that will definitely help you

1. Inspect your diet rigorously. Replace all drinks and foods which are high in sugar content with fresh lime water. You may choose from sparkling or clear water as neither have any calories.

2. While nibbling, try not to binge on junk food or fried foods. Instead keep healthy snacks like cereal bars, nuts and wheat crackers handy.

3. If you are a beef eater, avoid red meats and include only lean meats in your diet.

4. Replace white bread with bread made from whole cereals.

5. Exercise and diet go together when you’re planning to lose weight. With improving your diet, it’s also important to exercise a little bit. If you’ve a good control over your diet, you may not have to exercise a lot. It is also valuable to remember that weight loss is a slow process and it is not sensible to expect miracles within a day or two. Control your diet and do some light exercising and stretching. A ten minute walk or the use of stairs instead of the lift will help you shed some kilos.

Breastfeeding itself helps you burn up a lot of calories. Each day, breastfeeding helps you burn up to 500 calories. However , if you’re feeling that you are prepared for more, you may also join a gym or go for classes which have weightlifting for girls. Though weight lifting this early after giving birth isn’t suggested, you can at least exercise with some light dumbbells to tone up your body.

Milton Strong is the author of Breastfeeding? Lose That Pregnancy Weight Now

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