Looking For Knowledge And Tips About The Advantages Of Bach Flower Remedies — Read This Post .

8th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Dr. Bach made a long way towards his discovery. Now his herbal remedies are used all over the world.
Before he came to the idea of making the flower essences, he worked as a surgeon, as a bacteriologist and even as a homeopath. However, homeopathic concept was the closest to his idea. Nevertheless, it wasn’t just the same. Dr. Bach was willing to create the remedies which couldn’t do harm to his patients in any way. He was sure that the medicines used to cure people must be fully safe. After lots of studies he decided that the solution of this problem is in nature. He started his plant studies that resulted with the discovery of 38 Bach essences.

Th first three remedies discovered by Bach were Impatiens, Clematis and Mimulus. He did his research mostly by intuition. At least nobody can describe the way he selected this or that plant for the remedy and the method he used to predict its healing properties. When he started his practice with the use of the flower remedies, he prescribed the treatment mostly according to the patient’s mood and emotional state and paid much less attention to the disease. But there were the positive results and they inspired Bach to continue the research. He quit his studies in other spheres of medicine and spent all his time with the flowers investigating their properties. But it wasn’t enough just to discover the healing ability of the plant. The essential thing was preserving these properties in order to heal people.

After he went to Wales to continue his study, he worked out the method to make the essences full of the preserved plant energy. The main factor to preserve the power of the plants was the sunlight. He gathered the plant parts, put them into the bowl with the spring water and left it in the full sunlight for several hours. Then he took out the plants and left the water aside. He was convinced that this water was full of the healing energy. While he was in Wales, he discovered the rest of the remedies we know now.

However, there was the definite problem with preparing the new remedies. Not all plants were to be gathered in the sunny days. Thus, the Sun method of preparing the remedies could not always be used. Bach needed one more method to prepare the medicine. As an alternative to the Sun method he worked out the Boiling method which included the stage of boiling the plant parts in the spring water instead of leaving them in the sunshine. He thought that this method was less powerful than the Sun method but he had nothing to do about it.
Bach himself considered his approach to healing the upgrade of the homeopathic one and not more than that. But his followers nowadays think that this is the separate sphere of the complementary medicine. Actually, if it helps you, it doesn’t really matter, does it?

If you are interested to learn more about Bach flower – go to this site which is run by a professional Bach flower practitioner who has helped many people with the Bach flower.

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Posted on: January 8, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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