Hair Loss

7th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

In 1942 it has been scientifically proved that a principal cause of androgenetic alopecia is the gene descended, more often on a parent line. In the presence of genetic predisposition man’s hormones it is destructive operate on hair follicles, and they will gradually atrophy. But not all. The follicles located in occipital area are protected from action of hormones as have no special receptor; therefore keep activity during all life. The technology of transplantation of own hair is based on this fact.

The major principle, on which transplantation of hair is based, consists in anatomic distinction of hair follicles. The follicles subject to damaging influence of man’s hormones have in the structure especial receptor. But there are also follicles in which this receptor is absent: hormonal activity does not influence in any way hair on a body, feet, hands, a chin and, the most important thing, on an occipital part of a head. From carrying over of the given follicles from a nape on any other part of a body their anatomy will not change, and they will produce hair the same as and on a nape.

Now indications to transplantation of own hair are accurately defined:

– Androgenetic alopecia at men.

– Androgenetic alopecia (loss of hair on man’s type) at the women, led to the expressed aesthetic consequences, for example, to the compelled fixed hair dress or a wig.

– Hereditary high arrangement of a forward line of growth of hair (a high forehead) at men and women.

– Alopecia at men and women, as consequence of wounds, thermal or chemical burns, patrimonial traumas, or plastic operations, radiotherapy.

For each concrete patient of the indication are defined by the surgeon only in the course of internal consultation.

On internal consultation of the patient the expediency and operation volume, the form and level of a forward line of growth of hair are discussed, doctors tell about work stages. On photos of similar supervision it is possible to predict result; thus confidentiality of the information is strictly observed. Considering the area of baldness, presence of residual hair, a head skin condition, quality of hair in an occipital zone, the doctor estimates change volume then its cost is defined and operation date is appointed.

Hair transplant procedure is usually spent is outpatient, its duration – 3-6 hours depending on volume. During the manipulations, which are passing under local anesthesia, the patient listens to music, watches TV or even sleeps – operation is absolutely painless. After procedure it is possible to come back home at once. But of course not every person can allow make such operation, because the price is rather high. But if you worry too much about your appearance, you will exactly find that money you need for operation.

If you are “thirsty” for more info about hair loss treatment – this site is waiting for you. Useful women hair loss treatment tips and advice, realistic way to find a good hair loss treatment.

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Posted on: January 7, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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