Get Helpful Information About Bach Flower Essences Preparation Process Inside This Post.

7th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

You use Bach essences for a long time already, but did you ever wonder how they are made? Preparing the mother tincture (which is in fact the pure Bach essence without preservation) is a three step process.

The first step means preparing the tincture from the plants. Different plant parts are used for different essences. These are either leaves, or flower heads, or just petals. Then they are mixed with the natural spring water. The subsequent preparation is performed with either Sun or Boiling Methods. These methods were described by Dr. Bach in the 1930s and haven’t changed badly since then.

Dr. Bach used the Sun Method to prepare 20 of the 38 remedies. The Boiling Method was used for the rest.
The Sun Method is supposed to be preferable for the delicate flowers which bloom in the middle of summer. The flower heads are put into the spring water in the huge glass vessel and it is left in full sunshine for about three hours. When lots of remedies are required or there are many flowers to be used in them, there might be up to seven bowls left in the sun. There are flowers which are in bloom for several days only and therefore there isn’t much time to gather them and prepare the remedies.

The Boiling Method is generally used to prepare the remedies from trees, bushes and other plants which bloom or are ready to be used for the essences in the early spring. They are picked, then mixed with the spring water and boiled. The vessel with them is then left outdoors to cool the liquid.

The second step is removing the plants from the water. After using one of the methods it is thought to be full with the plant energy. In this step it is filtered and preserved. The preservation means that the received tincture is mixed with the same number of pure tipple (e.g. 40% proof brandy), thus the proportion is one to one. This mixture is actually the Mother Tincture. The alcohol is not an active component. It is used for preservation purposes only and doesn’t have any impact on the healing properties of the remedy.
The third step is delivering the tincture to the stores. The mother tincture is bottled in one of the plants. Each bottle contains the tincture itself and about a third of tipple to preserve its properties. This mixture is actually the Bach essence you can buy in one of the appropriate shops. The stock bottles are packed in the plant, tested for security and quality, marked and sent to the stores and shops all over the world.

The original Back flower remedies are made in UK and then spread all over the world. Thus, you can make sure you use the essences prepared according to Dr. Bach instructions by checking the security marks and the manufacturing country. The Bach signature is one of the quality signs.

If you are interested to find out more about Bach flower – go to this site which is run by an experienced Bach flower practitioner who has helped many people with the Bach flower.

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Posted on: January 7, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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