Get Helpful Information About Bach Flower Remedy Inside This Post.

6th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Bach flower remedies are unique but the closest concept to their effect is homeopathy. Dr. Bach first used the homeopathic approach indeed before his discovery.

The homeopathic general concept is the following. A physical disease is caused by a pathogenic organism which penetrates in the human body. The homeopathic remedies don’t cure the consequences of his penetration but try to eliminate it directly or at least make it weak enough so that the organism could cope with it via the inner resources. In fact, every homeopathic remedy includes the definite weak disease pathogen.

Actually, these toxins are rather harmful and this is the main disadvantage of homeopathic remedies. If the remedies are used according to the right treatment, the disease is destroyed in its basis or the organism works out the specific antibodies and becomes immune to the disease. In the worst case the disease might at least change its form to latent. But if homeopathic remedies are applied accidentally or without any prescription, i.e. the patient doesn’t need them indeed, he might become infected and the certain symptoms might appear. They can be completely different and in some cases prevent the patient from recovering. In the normal state, i.e. the person taking the wrong homeopathic remedies is healthy, the symptoms will just disappear in some time.

Bach remedies might seem completely different and they are so. However, on the early stages of his research Dr. Bach created several homeopathic variants of the remedies. But this was homeopathy which made Dr. Bach realize the necessity of another concept. He understood that the positive emotional changes which appeared when using his remedies can be very helpful during the treatment and these are not side effects but the real properties of the plant remedies. Then he applied this approach to his studies. This was the starting point of Bach flower remedies we use today. As the Bach remedies occurred through the prism of homeopathy, they can make powerful combinations with the other homeopathic remedies. The treatment including them both affects both physical and mental state of the patient at the same time. The emotional aspect of the recovery process was proved to be important. This is one of the numerous ways to use the Bach flower essences as we do now.

It’s obvious that Bach remedies are now very different from their homeopathic counterparts despite the fact they were discovered through the homeopathy. The way they function is not the same as in the homeopathic remedies. Even their sphere of affecting is different. And one of the most evident benefits of the Bach flower essences is that taking “wrong” remedy is not dangerous in comparison with using wrong homeopathic medicine.

Consult your doctor if there are any problems and take the best from both. This is a good thing to do for yourself.

If you are excited to find out more about Bach flowers rescue remedy – go to this site which is run by a professional Bach flowers rescue remedy practitioner who has helped many people with the Bach flowers rescue remedy.

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Posted on: January 6, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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