Implementing A Healthy Holistic Nutrition Diet And Removing Sugar Addiction

3rd January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Food has to be one of life’s most extraordinary pleasures, yet for some reason or another, most of us have a tendency to ignore holistic nutrition, failing to realize its incredible importance as we satisfy our desires for unhealthy foods on a daily basis. We constantly focus our attention on imbalance, letting sugar addiction and an array of food cravings negatively impact our lives. In its simplest sense, food is basically a source of nutrition, energy and enrichment, and dietary considerations should be created around this understanding. We are eating certain types and quantities of food and drinks to enable our bodies, being the machines that they are, to function correctly.

Our bodies are very complex and it takes an amazing interaction between all the various organs to make us operate. This amazing miracle of nature can be rather hardy, but just like any other reliable machine – over time, it’ll start to fail if it’s not taken care of regularly.

Due to our insatiable curiosity, ingenuity and desire for knowledge, our societies have determined a great deal of information on how our bodies can work with optimum efficiency, and how we can exist with the aim of improved enjoyment, productivity and longevity in view. If we pay attention we know that we should be ingesting certain types and quantities of food and drink, but the problem is that we rarely listen!

Generally speaking, holistic health solutions require us to maintain a very balanced dietary way of life, with the primary guideline being consistent moderation. As a species, we’re quite lucky to have so many foods in abundance, and our inspiration and creativity have given us an amazing variety of means for preparing and eating. Despite having all these options, and understanding all too well that we have to eat a balanced diet if we would like to live a long and healthy life, we still choose the easy, satisfying choices, and eat and drink all kinds of foods and beverages that are terrible for us.

Holistic nutrition determines that we must not eat convenient foods, just because we think that we do not have enough time. We now know that without a balanced diet and good health, nothing else matters and we should go out of our way to rectify the situation, before it is too late.

A wide variety of foods should be consumed, high in nutrients, with whole grains, organic fruits, vegetables, raw organic dairy, organic poultry, wild fish, lean organic meat and an assortment of beans and seeds. Processed sugar and highly flavored artificial foods and drinks should be avoided.

To start planning a healthy diet, take a good look at what you eat for at least a week. Write down everything and if you can, add nutritional values as found on labels, alongside. Remember to be honest about your portions, as this can make a significant difference. When you look back and analyze your diet, you will likely see that you are eating way too much fat and an inordinate amount of sugar. You must consolidate in both of these areas, as you are leaving yourself open to a variety of health problems and a general lack of productivity in your daily life. Don’t forget to add in all your snacks as well and you will surely see how you need to zero in on the benefits of holistic nutrition!

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