Change Up Your Workout For Fast Weight Loss

2nd January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

I’ve told you before how that it is necessary to change your workout variables if you are going to continuously build muscle and lose weight.While the variables must be changed of long-term, you shouldn’t radically change your workout every time you exercise. This is true especially if you want to learn how to lose weight fast.

Your body will not have a foundation for improvement if you change your workout too much.The best approach to varying your routine is to base it on a time period of 4 to 8 weeks.

When the time is up you should change your variables around according to repetitions, sequence exercise types, number of exercises in each session, how much resistance, how much volume, training frequency, etc.

Suppose your program did 10 sets of repetitions each with three pairs of different exercises done in supersets, with no rest within each superset.You will notice when you stop making progress with the program you’re on if you’re keeping track.

It’s at this point when it’s time to change your program. You see, to know how to lose weight fast always obvious: you have to have a plan.

Let’s say this time you choose a routine with five sets of five repetitions, but you will form tri-sets, meaning three exercises performed sequentially and then repeated for a number of sets.

So what you would have is the performance of the exercises with in the tri-set with no rest between them and then you would recover for about two minutes in between those tri-sets.

Now you know… the incorporation of changes to your exercise variables will maximize your results.

For more information on healthy foods to eat, great exercises to help you burn fat fast, and a free fat loss report that will show you exactly how to succeed, go to

I hope that you’ve enjoyed this article. Put this to use today and watch your results explode through the roof.

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