Runners Training Guide

30th December, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

When you are pregnant there are a lot of myths around it. One of them is that you shouldn’t do many exercises. But nowadays all this starts to change. Nowadays it is even very useful to make some exercises, besides, it is quite safe. To the best of our knowledge, one of safe methods and exercises is jogging. Most of the women find it quite useful to jog while pregnancy. But, before you start this exercise you should know several simple tips. First of all and what is more important, you should jog during pregnancy if you have already jogged for a serious period of time. While pregnancy it is not a best time to start any new exercises. Something new may be a great stress for your body if not to take into consideration that your body is already under stress of being pregnant. So if you were running several times a week before, than it would be useful for you to do it further. But try not to harm yourself: do not try to overdo or overheat.

It will be useful for you to know that jogging may be quite harmful for your joints. Actually, they are losing during pregnancy and it may be followed by pain. Besides, you should take into consideration the fact that during the first trimester of pregnancy you should be very careful and attentive. Your main problem at this period is dehydration, so you should drink a lot of water while jogging as well as before and after. The other cardinal thing for you to know is that you should wear sport bra, which must be supportive enough. It’s not a secret that your breast will be growing. Furthermore, you should take care about your ankles so you should wear special shoes with arches.

During the second trimester, your belly would grow significantly. This may cause some problems with your balance, that’s why you should jog on the smooth surfaces. You should learn how to fall, so that if you loose balance you wouldn’t harm your belly. As far as my personal experience may be taken into account, it’s better to fall on side or on arms.

During the third trimester your body is your best consultant – you should listen to it. If you are tired very quickly while jogging than it’s better to quit doing it. Besides, it may be quite uncomfortable to jog, so you may start walking as an alternative.

So, as you see, jogging during pregnancy is an excellent way to stay healthy and fit. But if you are jogging, you should take care about your safety and comfort. So if you have decided to jog, go ahead but remember: do not overdo!

Obviously distance running can assist a lot with the general fitness and health of your body. So, if you are interested in the runners training guide or distance running workouts information – please visit this site.

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Posted on: December 30, 2009

Filed under: Nutrition

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