Reshape Hips, Buns And Thighs With The UltraFlex Fitness Workout Program

30th June, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Ultraflex Fitness is the new exercise and lifestyle system which will help you achieve the muscle toning you crave with whatever time you can spare from your busy lifestyle, and there are several varied workouts that will tone any muscle you wish to target for increased muscle sculpting and fat burning.

The UltraFlex exercise and lifestyle system is brand new on the market and will give you target perfect resistance (TPR) to isolate and sculpt stunning, toned muscles with its unique squeeze and release action, giving you the body you want in the time that you’ve got.

You can perform at least four different workouts in eight straightforward moves with the UltraFlex isolating and targeting in turn your pecs, back and front of arm (always trouble spots in women!), shoulder and back muscles, with ab and leg toning exercises as well.

This is an truly innovative and useful piece of equipment which looks like a long flexible stick and is unbelievably easy to store and carry about; if you bend it in half and fasten the ends together with the attached straps you can even fit it into your suitcase, so that your exercise regime will not be ruined when you are away from home.

The UltraFlex comes with an instructional DVD as well as a booklet depicting clearly, with both written instruction and illustrations, how to use the UltraFlex and giving all the usual safety advice including don’t let go of the ends or you’re liable to knock your teeth out!

With the UltraFlex, as your muscles become stronger you can change the resistance by varying the position of your grip, so that you can continue to challenge yourself. You won’t need a special room in your house to use the UltraFlex as all you need is standing or sitting space; imagine being able to do your workouts at the same time as watching television!

Unlike most other pieces of equipment the UltraFlex instructions state clearly that, for optimum results, you need to do other types of exercise as well, and also give clear guidelines for safe exercising, including warmup and cooldown and advise you to drink plenty of water.

The UltraFlex means you will never have to go to the gym and queue for all the different machines ever again, and your workouts won’t be nearly as long as you won’t have to move from machine to machine, having to waste time changing the weights and pulleys before you can even get started on your reps and sets. The manufacturers claim that using the UltraFlex can burn up to 50% more calories for a women and 70% more calories for a man, making it an ideal addition to your home fitness equipment.

For more information on the Ultraflex System and to read more Ultraflex Fitness Reviews please visit my At Home Exercises Blog.

Posted on: June 30, 2009

Filed under: Home Fitness

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