What You Should Know About Pressure Cookers

31st March, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

When it comes to pressure cookers, there are numerous pros and cons. They are ideal for quickly making stews and soups. They speed up the cooking time for meats. If you are going to can food, especially meat, pressure cooking is the only reliable way to ensure that the food is safe to eat and will have a long shelf like. However, when used by individuals that are inexperienced or used improperly, these units can become a time bomb, waiting to explode.

Basically, food is cooked or canned under intense heat and high pressure. The higher the inside temperature, the faster the cooking times. If your cooker is under too much pressure, it could explode, turning it into a shrapnel grenade. The other draw backs to using these types of cookers is that in order to equalize the pressure when you are done cooking, you have to run the entire unit under cold water from five minutes to a half an hour, wasting a lot of water.

Now you have many different choices when it comes to buying pressure cookers. Many cookers these days,like All-American Pressure Cooker, have a quick release option, making it easy to remove the lid without having to run it under water. They also have detachable, adjustable pressure regulators, which can be adjusted and set to a preset temperature and pressure. When the food reaches a certain pressure, the regulator automatically releases, and stops when the pressure is right. These regulators pretty much take the guess work out of pressure cooking.

There are several factors to consider when choosing a pressure cooker. Most consumers opt for the six-quart models, but if you have a large family or do a lot of canning, you may want one of the larger models. Choose a model that features at least two heat resistant handles. This will make it easy and comfortable to hold the pot. Choosing a model with heat resistant handles will reduce the chance of accidentally dropping the pot. The lid should lock and be completely sealed. Refer to All-American Canner to get an idea. Some cookers have lids that are metal to metal, while others use a gasket. The models that feature a gasket are fun, but you should be aware that the gaskets will eventually wear out and have to be replaced.

Since heat and pressure are a cooker’s two main components, you will want one that features a detachable regulator, such as All-American Pressure Cooker Canner. A regulator makes it possible to make adjustments, ensuring that no matter what you are cooking, it comes out perfect every time. The next thing to look at is the type of material the cooker is made from. Cookers are typically made from stainless steel or aluminum, with pros and cons for each material. Aluminum cookers are typically less expensive than stainless steel and weigh less. Aluminum also tends to provide a more uniform heating performance. Unfortunately, your cooker will become pitted and stained if it’s used a lot. Even though this won’t affect the cooker’s performance, it’s still good to know. While stainless steel models hold up much better, they aren’t great at conducting heat. If you are going to buy a stainless steel model, choose one that features an aluminum disc on the outside bottom. With a little research you will find a perfect pressure cooker for your needs; one that is high quality, includes the accessories you need, and doesn’t cost a small fortune.

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