Manage Sugar Levels With Natural Replacement

27th March, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If you are going to eat a sweetener then it is best if it is derived from the fruit, herb, or vegetable kingdom. White sugar is a processed poison as are all fake sweeteners like aspartame etc., found in stuff like Nutra-Sweet. Sugar really does deserve its reputation as a “white poison”.

Every one knows that diabetes is caused by increase in sugar levels in our body. This is because of the excess production of insulin in our body. The production of constant insulation leads to aging, weight gain, diabetes, and everything we are all struggling to get around. It is difficult to avoid sweetness totally from our food. Therefore we must use a natural sugar substitute in our food intake.

Stevia is a excellent sugar replacement. It is a South American native sweetener plant of sunflower family. It reduces the calories from your food which renders it a right replacement of sugar for calorie conscious as well as diabetic people. Stevia is also helpful in lowering blood sugar and it reduces the tooth cavity. Therefore it can be used in tooth pastes in place of sugar to get around tooth decay.

Lucuma is a dried and powdered Peruvian fruit. Lucuma is very nutritious with high levels of carotene and vitamin B3. It is a great natural sweetener and is used to sweeten raw cakes and puddings and even ice creams.

Palm sugar is a nutrient-rich, low-glycemic crystalline sweetener that looks, tastes, dissolves and melts almost exactly like sugar, but it’s totally natural and unprocessed. Palm sugar adds a unique richness to almost any recipe. Due to its comparatively low glycemic index, its calories are absorbed into the bloodstream at a considerably slower rate than regular processed sugar.

Yacon root is a glucose-free sweetener and includes sugars that are complex enough to be medicinal. Yacon is not a seasonal plant .The sugar in Yacon is not so complex that the sweet taste is lost. This wonderful sweetener is a sweet low calorie formula.

Maple syrup is a excellent natural sweetener. Its taste is soft and unique, yet its sweetening capability is fine. Maple syrup is produced only in the Northern states, and the total production is low. This renders maple syrup one of the most costly sweeteners.

Natural sugar substitutes are very helpful in regulating blood sugar levels safely and effectively. If utilized in restraint they add a enjoyable dimension to life.

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