Celebrating Greece with It’s Mizithra Cheese

24th March, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Do you know that the Mizithra Cheese is the kind of cheese that originally came from Greece? This is a traditional Greek cheese and dates back from the early times. Genuine Mizithra Cheese is only made in Greece. It is a traditional, unpasteurized fresh cheese made with milk and whey from sheeps or goats. This Mizithra Cheese of Greece is primarily manufactured in an island of Greece, called Crete, but other parts of Greece also produce it.

Making Mizithra Cheese
The milk that came from sheep or goat is boiled at moderate temperature for about 10 minutes and then the rennet is poured while being stirred. The whole thing is then poured into a basket with a linen cover and then left to drain for a few hours. In olden times, balls of Mizithra Cheese are being left to dry outside houses and hung. The fresh form of Mizithra Cheese is creamy and bright white but has a slightly granular texture. This cheese can bee a little tangy in flavor, dependind on the time of the year it is produced.

Kinds of Mizithra Cheese
Being very different from the other types of cheeses, the Mizithra Cheese can be served in many stages of its aging process. Fresh mizithra is soft and creamy, similar to cottage cheese. Matured Mizithra is known as anthotyros. This cheese can be seen as that of a ball in shape or truncated cylinder. Sour mizithra is known as xynomizithra. This kind of Mizithra has a very vinegary, tangy flavor.

Mizithra Cheese Being Protected
Having been copyrighted, the Mizithra Cheese can only be called as such after beingmade in a certain way as well as in a certain place. Mizithra from Crete is famous among cheese lovers and is a completely protected version of Mizithra.

Serving Mizithra Cheese
The people from Greece have many ways in serving the Mizithra Cheese because they love serving it. They have it for breakfast or dessert, with thyme honey or with some fresh fruit added to honey. It is best served with fresh tomatoes, basil, and of course bread. This cheese becomes tastier with as it ages and can be perfect for fresh Greek garden salads. A simple pasta dish with cooked tomatoes and fresh basil, if topped with the Mizithra Cheese, will definitely give you the most delicious pasta meal.

Serving this cheese in your dinner table is just as good as conquering Greece. Don’t be the last person to taste this extraordinary Mizithra Cheese. You don’t have to go to Greece just to get it, ask your local cheesemonger and indulge your family and friends with this cheese. Log online and order authentic Mizithra Cheese from the most reliable best cheese shops in the internet!

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