A Few Interesting And Important Complications Regarding Smoking Prohibition Legislation

25th February, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Some state reps happen to be bothered by precisely how smoking restrictions are usually legislated. In particular, they look at bills which propose that state controlled casinos be exempted from smoking restrictions and declare that it is outrageous to force private companies to impose smoking restrictions that the state actually exempts its own institutions from. After all, if it is correct that second hand smoke is without a doubt dangerous to folks who work for private corporations, precisely why would not it likewise be detrimental to folks who operate in gambling establishments?

That isn’t to express that state reps are against smoking restrictions. Precisely what they’re against is really a prospective dual standard that makes it possible for smoking in their own public spots, but at the very same time forces private companies to carry out and enforce these types of smoking restrictions.


After all, the actual clean air act was designed to safeguard all people and if the state’s own organizations are exempted it would appear that the state sponsoring these types of bills allowing exemptions might possibly be sending some enormously mixed messages. Put simply, a state setting up a unilateral decision to restrict private companies whilst offering the ability for state owned gambling establishments to bypass all the state instituted smoking restrictions. As you can imagine, quite a few folks consider this sort of activity as being hypocritical and also inappropriate use of power.

A smaller point of dispute occasionally centers around the introduction of the brand new electronic cigarette in spots that usually prohibit smoking. Once again, this is a problem of whether or not the state is transmitting the incorrect communication. Put simply, even though the electronic cigarettes might not emit second hand smoke, the question is whether or not or not these gadgets are nevertheless somehow transmitting the communication that smoking might be tolerated in specific ways. And of course the greater concern is whether or not kids will see these types of gadgets and assume that smoking is actually safe should they use them. As you can imagine, this definitely would not be a very good communication to transmit to children.

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