Food: the most Important Industry on Earth

9th June, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The culinary realm is one of the largest, most thriving areas of interest today. It encompasses lots of different things and is open for any individual who is passionate. It can create a job for someone who excels when it comes to cook high class food, bake cakes, or grill a mean stake. It can even give someone who can smell the difference between Sturgeon caviar and cheap American caviar a career.

Food involves more than just eating and chewing. It’s a sensual experience. You see and smell your food first, and then taste it.
In the past twenty years, as the world has globalized, the food industry has grown tremendously.

Food was once lmited to the culture you lived in, but that has changed now. When people go out, they get to chose between different ethnic foods. In the fifties, people didn’t have the choice to go out and order Chinese or Indian food. Now, we can walk down a city street and pick from foods from four different corners of the world. American was once known as the burger country and now the entire world is a part of our fast food market. Food in the United States has expanded beyond its borders, and other ethnic foods are immigrating inside.

Food television has also grown into a thriving industry. People have grown to love watching intense restaurant drama unfold or be instructed on how to cook themselves. The pastry industry has been the main focus in this business. Shows in which ornate cakes are constructed in short amounts of time enthrall viewers. It also brings a new ligh to the culinary world. It allows cooks gain respect and fame.
The world of sweets has evolved from Twinkies and the occasional fancy wedding cake into a crazy industry of high class cupcakes and cookies. Being a pastry chef entails both culinary skills and artistic ability. Cakes are becoming works of art that have pearls and lights and anything you can dream of. Grandmas chocolate chip cookies cannot compete with today’s thousand dollars designer frosted masterpieces being created. Desserts are more than just something to eat with coffee, they are an accessory. People are willing to spend as much as they would on a diamond necklace on a birthday cake. A personalized birthday cake can last longer in memory than scrapbook or picture. It seems not to bother anyone that it will cease to exists an hour after they see it.
Food advocates are the most important members of the food industry. Without the consumers, food would cease to exist. Every one needs to eat, but some people simply adore to do so. Those are the individuals who provide cooks and TV personalities with jobs. Eating competitions, late night snackers, or return consumers are the most valued members of the culinary world.

Those people who can taste the difference between a freezer French fry from a fast food one or can differentiate spices in chili deserve a shout out. It is so important to get followers and people who love your food if you are a chef. A loyal band of consumers is the key to success. Through your original followers, your food will navigate its way out to more people.

Posted on: June 9, 2009

Filed under: Healthy Recipes

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