Habitual Coffee Consumption May Ward Off Alzheimer’s

28th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

A research suggested that drinking 2 strong cups of coffee everyday could cut the risk of {having|developing|acquiring| Alzheimer’s and may reverse some of its symptoms because specialists have found out proof confirming the claim that caffeine does not only helps prevent dementia but it could also treat it. Despite the fact that the results were just according to an animal research, experts still think that the research was full of potential. Sicked and tired of the bland coffee you always receive from your same old coffee machine? Have it changed by a reliable coffee maker like Nespresso Citiz D110 Coffee Maker.

The study was held at the University of South Florida. Lead researcher Dr Gary Arendash said that the findings provided evidence for the claim that caffeine can actually be a potential treatment for Alzheimer’s disease and not just a shield against it. Arendash strongly believes that such findings can make a big difference since a lot of people generally consume caffeine. The body, specially the parts of the brain affected by Alzheimer’s disease can easily absorb caffeine, said Arendash.

Up to now, scientists still can’t tell what causes Alzheimer’s but they have linked the disease with sticky clumps of beta amyloid plaques, an abnormal protein that build up in the brain and causing destruction to nerve cells. Past studies have been associating the habit of drinking coffee to the reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Ditch your old coffee maker that always serve you dull coffee everyday. You know you deserve way better and you can only get it from Citiz D110.

The team of Dr Arendash monitored 55 mice. These mice have been made to be susceptible with Alzheimer’s symptoms as they grow old. After two months, the team found out that the mice which drank caffeine performed better on memory and thinking skills compared to the mice which were only given water to drink. Mice induced with caffeine have been discovered to have lower beta amyloid levels in their brain and blood. Coffee Makers can help you with your search of a much better coffee machine.

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