Get Alkaline or Die – Consequences of an Acid Diet

19th May, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

New research by such experts as Dr Robert Young is showing that disease is a byproduct of an acidic lifestyle and body and not the result of germs, viruses, or bacteria. In fact, some of the latest medical text books are acknowledging that germs, viruses, and bacteria are not the sole cause of any disease. Intuitively, you know that this is true if you think about it. For any disease you can think of, not every person that is exposed to the disease gets it. Take the flu for example. Many people are exposed the germs and don’t get sick and I’m not talking about the ones that get vaccinated. Think about it. For every person that gets sick, there is somebody else who was in the exact same environment and didn’t get sick. Google Dr. Robert Young and read about some of his research.

Here are a few basics that should convince you to Alkalize or Die. They should convince you of the importance to alkalize your body for good health.

* Acidic foods (sugars especially) destroy tooth enamel. I know this is basic dentistry, but think about it. If sugars create acid that can eat through teeth, imagine what it does to the blood, arteries, muscle, and bones.
* In order to maintain a slightly alkaline pH, your body must deal with excess acid. One way it does this is to neutralize it with fat. The body will create fat or use fat to neutralize the acid. This can lead to a lot of excess body fat if you are living an acidic lifestyle. The good news is that your body will get rid of this fat quickly once you become alkaline. It is possible to lose a pound a day of fat once your body gets alkalized.
* Your body must also protect the arteries. The mechanism for this is cholesterol. You know, the stuff that clogs your arteries and causes heart attacks. If your blood is acidic, the body coats your arteries with cholesterol to protect them. Unfortunately, this will kill you too. On the up side, this too will take care of itself rapidly once you alkalize your body.
* As you grow older, you can actually start shrinking because of an overly acidic lifestyle. It doesn’t happen overnight, but when there are no other ways to protect the body from acid, the body will start leaching calcium out of your bones. Ever wonder why people shrink when they get older. It is a lifetime of living an acidic lifestyle that is doing that.

Now that you know what can happen if you have too much sugar and acid in your body, you can start combating it. There are 2 great alkalizing products that have helped many people: Tony Robbins green drink and Innerlight Supergreens. Both are very similar and of very high quality.

The author is not a physician, has never played one on television, and didn’t even sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night. This article is based solely on personal experiences and/or research. It is intended to be information sharing only and should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease. Whether you are looking for a natural treatment for a condition or want to try the latest antioxidant supplement, you should consult a physician for any diagnoses or treatments required.

Posted on: May 19, 2009

Filed under: Healthy Recipes

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