The Cozy Winter Kitchen

24th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

As kids growing up on the diet of E. Nesbitt and also Charles Dickens novels, one of the images that captured our imagination was that of the cozy Victorian kitchen, specially in the time winter. In such cases, there is a roaring fire within the grate, the cook used to cook delicious mince cakes, and the children would enjoy a cup of heated milk in the long winter evenings that they whiled away by playing parlor games.

Unfortunately, the reality for most people was probably much different. There was no central heating in those days, and you would have to sit fairly close towards the fireplace for it to make any real difference. Creating food was much difficult after that, and although there were plenty of people who were privileged sufficiently to get household staff and enough to consume, there were many more who were starving.

But this hospitable image still persists and even though we don’t have such fantasies about the modern kitchen, which has no fireplace, uniformed maid, scullery, or pantry, we could still create our own warm environment. Today’s small kitchen with its modern, much more effective and less pretty machinery can still be a friendly place.

Firstly, we could get some nice accessories, such as soft kitchen rugs and pretty china plates that we could hang on a wall in imitation Victorian style. That gives a nice, warming look that’s very reminiscent of bygone days. Similarly, colored glass jars and bottles can also give a country-style old-fashioned look, as well as being an cheap and also easy kitchen decoration thought.

Kitchen furnishings also don’t need to be functional and cold looking. Rather than a plain cover, how about some attractive checked designs? Checked, colorful curtains can also be put up, rather than impassive blinds. And also how about various artistic, colorful wall-hangings, just like pressed flowers or even a piece of home-based embroidery? (If your kids are learning to sew at school, you may encourage them by putting their finished work on a wall.)

And after that there is what you make in the kitchen room. To make your kitchen a cozier place in the time winter, you could create some winter soups. There is nothing like coming in from the cold, rainy road after a day at work or even school to a hot, steaming bowl of thick pea or even lentil soup. For a good smell, as well as a great basis of fiber to consume with the soup, make some fresh bread. It’s well-known, actually, that the smell of new, baking bread has sold many a home … and for good reason.

If your children eat earlier than you or your partner, don’t serve the meal in the dining space. Put up a small table or even arrange chairs at the breakfast counter if you have one, and sit with them in the kitchen at supper times. These kinds of informal meals in the kitchen are the stuff of a happy childhood, and your children’s memories of family suppertime in the winter will always be good ones (and would be far better than Victorian children’s stories).

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