Fat Binders: A Better Choice Among Weight Loss Solutions

17th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If you’ve read negative reviews on diet or slimming aids, this may be due to a lack of understanding on the proper use and purpose of these consumer products. Many misconceptions abound on the true functions of these weight loss products, and a classic example of this is the confusion between fat binders and fat blockers.

Prescription medication varies in many ways from non-prescription treatments, and between fat blockers and fat binders. Understanding these differences will aid you make a wise choice.

Both fat blockers and fat binders have some reported side effects, although the outcomes on one is different from the other. Statistics reveal that more side effects are recorded from the use of fat blockers than from fat binders.

Fat blockers are named such because they block the action of enzymes in the digestive system which dissolves dietary fats.Dietary fats are prevented from being absorbed in the body and are redirected to the waste eliminating channels together with human stool. Examples of side effects are abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, back pain, cramps, gas, nausea or stomach upset, oily or greasy stools, gas with oily spotting, and fecal incontinence.

Most of these effects will not die off after a few days of use, but will last as long as you are taking the pills and consuming more than the recommended level of dietary fat. By eating less fat you can mitigate the acerbity of the side effects. Likewise, fat blockers are usually administered through prescription and are stronger than over-the-counter weight loss aids, so if you are experiencing bothersome side effects, you can ask your doctor to lower the dosage.

Fat binders such as Proactol, on the other hand, have fewer cases of any side effects. The fat-binding properties of Proactol come from a natural cactus fiber, so they’re safer to use and result to virtually no side effects.

You must understand that neither fat blockers nor fat binders can totally get rid of the fat from the food you eat. This due to the fact that some vitamins are fat soluble and you will need a certain amount of fat to absorb these beneficial nutrients. Likewise, not all fat is bad – there are essential fatty acids that are important to maintaining good health.

Vitamin and essential fatty acid loss is one reason that diet pills are a short-term fix, not a long-term solution to the weight problem. The best use of diet pills are as an aid to kick off a new diet and exercise regimen, so significant weight is lost right away. Fat binders such as Proactol work better though than fat blockers, if you want a totally natural and convenient way to shed off those pounds.

To find out more information on the best way to integrate fat binders into your weight loss program, look into the proactol reviews .

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Posted on: December 17, 2010

Filed under: Healthy Recipes

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