Coffee: How Good Or Bad It Can Be?

12th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Coffee is famously noted for the bad effects it is causing its heavy consumers. for the health, particularly for the health of individuals who daily consume it, that’s how coffee is normally viewed as.} It has been accused of health crimes, such as cancer, heart disease and shorter life, just to name a few of its other misdeeds. But research have been emerging lately at coffee’s defense. And because of these contradicting studies, people are confused as to whether a coffee is indeed harmful or good for the health. The ultimate answer is that health benefits of coffee override the risks of consuming it for most of its drinkers. Coffee Maker? Check out Jura Capresso C5.

Generally, researchers found no association between coffee and an elevated cancer or heart disease risks, disregarding previous studies blaming coffee for those increased risks. Why the previous research have been discarded, you ask? It is because experts back then did not take into consideration the fact that most heavy coffee drinkers were also smoking and lacking in exercises and just concentrated on coffee even though smoking and physical inactivity can attribute to the risk of having cancer or heart disease.

Although no link has been found, other studies still claimed other health risks one could get from coffee. It has been said that too much consumption of unfiltered coffee increase cholesterol levels. One research found out that intake of coffee 2 cups or beyond daily can attribute to the risk heart disease to people who have a condition wherein their body is having a hard time processing caffeine inside. To cut it short, the risk of drinking coffee depends on how fast the coffee is being breakdown inside the body. Look No Further. Check out Jura C5.

While it seems that scientists are going out of their way just to come up with new accusations against coffee, there are recent studies that showed coffee is not “all devil’s brew” and have benefits it can be proud of. Liver cancer, Parkinson’s disease and type 2 diabetes protection are just some of these so-called benefits. Coffee is also known as rich source of antioxidants. Given that drinking coffee has its perks too, it does not mean you can have as many as 4 to 7 cups of coffee daily as you would be prone to irritability, anxiety, restlessness, and sleeplessness if you do. Also remember that cream and sugar in your coffee are not as sweet as they are because they too come with fat and calories so keep your intake of them at bay as well. For anything coffee and coffee machine, please visit Coffee Makers.

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