Protect Your Heart: Drink Coffee

10th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

A study of factors why people reach up to 100 years old of age attributed to the longer life to drinking a cup of coffee everyday. According to the research, which was released September of this year, even people who have high blood pressure benefit from a cup of coffee each day. It is thought that the elasticity of the arteries improves with the help of coffee. The better the arteries’ elasticity, the lower the risk of getting a heart disease. Coffee machine? Try Jura Ena 5 Auto Espresso Machine.

The research was held in Ikaria, an island in Greece popularly known as the land of longevity because third of its inhabitants hit 90 years of age. The participants of the research were all long term residents of the island, ages 65 to 100. Ikaria has been the favorite spot of health tourists since the 6th century. Compared with the Western average, the island’s population documented a 20 per cent lower risk of cancer and just half the cases of heart diseases.

The University of Athens made an investigation if drinking coffee on a regular basis can really lengthen one’s lifespan. They studied 485 people suffering from hypertension and found out that the arterial health of the 56 per cent of the patients who were moderate coffee drinkers–by moderate coffee drinkers we mean one and two coffee cups a day—were in good shape. The arteries of these participants have been found more elastic than those of people who do not drink coffee or only drink a minimal amount of it. Looking for an excellent coffee maker? Consider Jura Capresso Ena 5.

Released in Stockholm, the research shockingly revealed that only 1 in 10 who took in 3 of more cups of coffee on a daily basis had poor arteries elasticity. The leader of the study, Dr Chrysohoou believes that arterial function can partly be improved by coffee ingredients such as caffeine and antioxidants and this raises the ability to take up nitric oxide, which is commonly damaged in people who have hypertension. She added that drinking too much coffee may do no good and instead cancel out the good effect one could get from drinking coffee. For your coffee machine needs, don’t forget to drop by Coffee Makers.

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