Can Coffee Make You Live Longer?

4th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

A study has shown that regular and long-term consumption of coffee, caffeinated or decaffeinated, will not shorten lifespan. In fact researchers have instead found that drinking coffee is beneficial for the heart, particularly women’s heart, that’s according to Dr. Esther Lopez-Garcia—the lead researcher and assistant professor at the Autonoma University in Spain. Don’t you think you should start searching for that ultimate coffee machine in the haystack of Coffee Makers in the market already?

In the study, Lopez-Garcia and company tried to link the death risk for medical problems such as heart disease, cancer and other diseases to coffee consumption by monitoring more than 84,000 women and almost 42,000 men that did not have cancer or heart disease at the start of the study. The participants were asked to fill up questionnaires every two to four years, revealing information about their coffee consumption and other habits. Jura Capresso Impressa S9 One Touch can make you an excellent coffee, try it!

The researchers did not find an association between increased or a decreased risk of death and men who always have two to three cups of caffeinated coffee daily but they did discover that women who drink the same amount of coffee each day had a 25 percent lower risk of death from heart disease. But Lopez-Garcia stressed her team’s findings may only be suitable for healthy people and claimed that those who are suffering from any illness should seek their doctor’s advice first on how much coffee can they consume in a day since caffeine can summon a short-term increase of blood pressure.

The study may have taken the side of women but it does not mean you won’t regulate your coffee consumption anymore. I know it is irresistible but too much of anything can be dangerous so drink coffee in moderation. Speaking of coffee consumption, turn your mornings into superior and delightful awakenings by making your coffee using Jura Capresso J6.

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