Good Reasons To Drink Coffee

19th November, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Caffeine, which we mostly ingest through having coffee, has long been linked to anxiety, gastrointestinal problems, coronary artery disease and irritability among others. But inspite of the negative feedbacks caffeine has been attaining, it has been found that the popular substance has its health gains as well. Below are the top five good stuffs caffeine, and thus coffee, can do for its devoted drinkers. Keep on sipping!

1. It May Lower Post-Workout Soreness
Experts at University of Georgia studied 2 groups of female university students. They required the first one to ingest caffeine one hour before they have an workout routine that would require optimum muscle effort while the 2nd team was instructed to have placebo instead. They discovered that students who took in caffeine felt reduced discomfort than those who took in placebo. They proposed that caffeine hindered the body’s receptors for a chemical released in response to inflammation called adenosine.
Fascinated already? Why not get a Nespresso Essenza C101 coffee maker for an exceptional coffee drinking encounter.

2. It Raises Fiber Absorption
The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry says that brewed coffee has a significant amount of Soluble Dietary Fiber. Experts recommend that we have at least 20 to thirty-eight grams of fiber and a cup of brewed coffee can bring up to 1.8 grams of the fiber we need to have.

3. It Lowers The Danger Of Type 2 Diabetes
Based on a research on 28 812 postmenopausal ladies for 11 years, women who had six or more cups of coffee every day, specially decaffeinated, had decreased their chance of type 2 diabetes by 22%.
Let Essenza C101 coffee maker do your morning coffee!

4. It Lowers Suicide Risk
Since Caffeine has been thought to boost a person’s mood, a 10-year research on 86,000 female nurses has been carried out to see the influence of coffee and caffeine consumption on suicide chance. Researchers discovered that women who habitually drink coffee has lower risk of suicide. A further research is necessary to support the precision of this analysis however.

5. It Reduces The Threat Of Acquiring Gout
45,869 men have been watched for twelve years. The participants had no background of gout at baseline and their total caffeine consumption-coffee, decaffeinated coffee and tea-have been assessed through validated questionnaires every four years. A supplementary set of questions to find out whether these guys have gout has been used too in the research. The researchers only documented 757 validated instances of gout. Based on their prospective information, they suggested that there is an association between long-term coffee ingestion and lower chance of occurrence of gout.

Now that the key benefits of coffee have been outlined before you, you don’t need to feel guilty each time you have your every day dose of your cappuccino or caffe latte. And to make your coffee drinking outstanding, why don’t you get yourself a reputable coffee maker like Nespresso Essenza C101 coffee maker. Essenza C101 coffee maker guarantees to provide a great-tasting coffee in no time. For more information, you may check out Coffee Makers.

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