A Great Way to Ensure Clean Drinking Water: Diatomaceous Earth Filtration

20th October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Many people don’t realize what a wonderful thing it is that we can turn on our water faucets and have an unending source of clean water flow out. This luxury, which we take for granted, is a thing that most of the world lives without. In the United States, we never have to be concerned about getting unwell mainly because of the water we drink, because the Federal government has rigid filtration requirements about water treatment. One of the ways water treatment plants make it possible for both urban and rural residents to gain access to clean water quickly is by utilizing environmentally-friendly diatomaceous earth filtration.

In recent years, people have gotten the wrong impression that bottled water is cleaner and healthier as compared to tap water. This rumor has possibly been circulated by bottled water businesses who are anxious to sell their goods. Our government, however, is not going to let that transpire. They perform inspections to determine whether water plants are measuring up to their rules, and the majority are performing a better job of cleaning up the water as compared to what is done to the water within the water bottles. In fact, most of the water that is available in a bottle came right out of a municipal water supply wherever the plant can be found.

It wasn’t before 1980s when people who were living in non-urban parts of the country began having access to public water resources. Before that time, they were liable for their own wells plus drinking water, and the outcome was loads of water filled up with metals plus particulates that water treatment plants would filter out. It had been a fantastic day when non-urban individuals finally could hook up to the rural water systems which were established based on the Safe Water Act of 1974.

Diatomaceous earth (DE) filtration systems are applied at water treatment facilities in every state. DE is a naturally-occurring substance produced from the eco-skeletons of diatoms. Naturally, it is a porous material that is simple to use in portable water filtration. Even though there are many purposes of the material, 68% of it is employed in drinking water filtration. It is able to eliminate little particles from the water as compared to most other types of filters, it does not necessitate the usage of chemicals which are hazardous to the surrounding, and it is a renewable source which means we aren’t going to run out any time soon.

Though we do not think about it quite often, water treatment along with the unending supply of fresh drinking water are two things that make our community fantastic and maintain the human population healthy.

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