High Fiber Foods and Fiber Drinks Top 5 Health Benefits

10th October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

High fiber foods are the kind of thing that most people do not think about on a regular basis, which is unfortunate considering how much they can do for health and well-being. Adding high fiber foods, fiber drinks and fiber supplements to the diet helps improve digestion, lowers risks for diabetes and heart disease, and contributes to natural weight loss. With benefits like these from high fiber foods, it is hard to understand why more people are not stocking their cupboards with all kinds of high fiber foods.

For years we have been hearing claims that we are not getting enough high fiber foods and that consuming more fiber can have profound effects. However, many people do not even understand what beneficial high fiber foods are, or why consuming them is a healthy thing to do.

Fiber is a naturally occurring substance that the body cannot digest. The best high fiber foods are from plant sources. While high fiber foods get broken down somewhat and become smaller, the fiber does not move beyond the digestive system. Instead, it moves from one end of the digestive system to the other, doing a few important things along the way.

1. High fiber foods require a longer time to chew, meaning that they slow down the speed of consumption. This gives the body time to recognize when it is full and helps prevent over consumption and weight gain.

2. When high fiber foods are ingested and go down to the stomach they combine with all the other food, slowing down the speed at which nutrients enter the blood stream One thing that slows down is the absorption of sugar, which means it is absorbed at a more even rate, keeping the blood sugar levels from spiking up and down. So, in addition to moderating moods and energy levels, high fiber foods also help prevent strain on the pancreas, which can hold off diabetes.

3. The slower digestion process for high fiber foods also means that the body feels full for a longer period of time. Again, this puts a stop to over indulging and the intake of empty calories.

4. As high fiber foods continue through the digestive system, the small particles actually clean the mucus from the insides of the intestinal tract, removing a lining of mucus and excess waste that halts other more valuable nutrients from reaching the bloodstream. This helps to prevent irritations that can result in polyps and tumors, as well as removing toxins that can lead to numerous health challenges.

5. At the end of the digestive process, high fiber foods help to gather waste materials and move them out of the body. A combination of high fiber foods and proper hydration assures a healthy elimination process that keeps the body working properly.

It is recommended that the average man or woman should consume 25 to 35 grams of fiber daily, yet most individuals only get about half that amount. The best sources of fiber are naturally high fiber foods, but there are healthy fiber supplements, too. Fiber drinks are another option and they can make it even easier to get the recommended daily amount of high fiber foods.

As one of the founders of www.BestHealthFoodStore.net – the online health food store for whole foods, fiber drinks and more, Cliff Everett Smith educates consumers to uncover the healthiest ways to achieve natural weight loss and optimal fitness. He offers valuable resources for visitors to learn more about high fiber foods and fiber supplements.

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