Worst Places To Place A Popcorn Cooker

12th August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Popcorn machines are fantastic when used properly. They make game rooms more fun, carnivals more satisfying, and movies more entertaining. Many businesses like bars, car dealerships, and recreation centers have all benefited from the magic of the popcorn maker. Sadly, popcorn machines can’t be placed in every kind of business. I wrote this page to tell you about the handful of places that must not have a popcorn maker.

Your dentist office should never have a popcorn popper in it. Those that work in or operate their own dental practice know that they should not keep food on hand. Popcorn machines in the office will only cause you to have to peer around popcorn kernels while doing your checkups. Patrons may even feel bad about the popcorn since they will feel like they shouldn’t be eating it before hand.

Another terrible place to have a popcorn machine is in an apartment leasing office. You wouldn’t want to have people eating popcorn while viewing your apartments because their messy eating could lead to you having popcorn dropped all over your display apartments. Potential renters might view stray popcorn on the floor as a sign of bug and vermin infestation. The same concept applies to people that are having an open house on a house they are selling.

Popcorn makers and nail salons do not mix well together. Doing somebody’s nails while they are greasy from popcorn butter can make the entire process much harder. You wouldn’t want to end up doing poor work because of the free popcorn you gave out would you?

Those that don’t work in a nail salon, dental office, or leasing office may just want to get a popcorn maker for their business. There are other places that you may want to keep it from, but all in all popcorn machines are usually great for business. If your looking for a nice popcorn machine you might want to check out our site. There you can find great machines at reasonable prices. We can send your popcorn popper right to your house or place of business.

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