Reduce Weight And Decrease Your Cholesterol With Green Tea

7th August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

While lifestyle and diet transformations are primarily needed to maintain ideal cholesterol levels and manage weight, there is extra benefit in taking supplements to attain both. The market abounds with health supplements promising wondrous benefits for your body, but let’s take a look at something you may already have in your pantry – green tea.

Asian cultures have used green tea in large amounts for ages. Historical records also revealed that they have significantly lower cases of heart disease or cancer among their people. You’ll also see that there are very few obese Easterners, particularly among the Chinese. Scientists have found out that there is a relationship between drinking green tea and maintaining optimum health levels. A lot of studies have also been conducted on how the elements in green tea are efficient in preventing disease and stalling the signs and symptoms of aging.

In terms of beverages, absolutely nothing compares to slimming tea for health and weight loss advantages.

Anti-oxidants in green tea seem to be the root of these numerous benefits. Anti-oxidants, which are also found in fruits and vegetables, wine, cocoa and coffee, fight our bodies’ free radicals. Free radicals are created as a by product of our digestive process. Free radicals, left unchecked, cause premature aging, tissue damage, and possibly some serious diseases.

We can prevent these harmful effects to our bodies with the aid of anti-oxidants. That’s the reason why it is important to eat foods loaded with anti-oxidants. While all forms of tea have anti-oxidants in them, the green tea variety has the richest natural anti-oxidant levels due to lesser stages involved in its processing.

The anti-oxidant attributes of green tea have been found to work best for weight management and controlling blood cholesterol levels. Improper diet and stress can cause the build-up of LDL cholesterol in our blood, which increases our susceptibility to strokes or heart attacks due to clogged arteries. Green tea arrests the transformation of LDL cholesterol into plaque that brings about arterial blockages.

Clinical studies reveal that drinking green tea can thwart serious health problems even when your LDL cholesterol levels are already beyond normal parameters. Tea is also thought to have an anti-inflammatory response, which helps the heart achieve peak performance.

Green tea is also an effective agent for weight loss. And that’s actually killing two birds with one stone, since weight loss normally equates to lower cholesterol levels. Hence, green tea has a back-to-back advantage for overweight people with elevated cholesterol in their blood!

The combined effect of anti-oxidants and caffeine in green tea seems responsible for speeding up the body’s metabolism which promotes fat oxidation. These two factors are very important to the weight loss process.

Our personal favourite tea is Cho Yung which is both medically confirmed to work, and is jam-packed full of nutrients.

So, drinking green tea can give double the payoffs for individuals attempting to curb their weight and lower cholesterol levels. Adding green tea to your diet, along with eating the right types of food and getting into a regular workout program are the best combinations for effective weight loss and keeping your blood cholesterol within the ideal levels.

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Posted on: August 7, 2010

Filed under: Healthy Recipes

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