How to Use Natural Supplements for Alkalizing Your Body

30th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There are many good all natural supplements you can choose to alkalize yourself and get healthy. I have tried many, but the two that I recommend are products from Anthony Robbins and Doctor Robert Young and Innerlight. There are some basic things you should buy.

* Green Drink. Basically this is concentrated healthy grasses and vegetables. It is alkalizing and very healthy. All you do is put it in water and start detoxifying your body. Some companies also sell capsules so you can swallow your vegetables whole. The powder that you mix with water is normally cheaper and it encourages you to drink more water, but if the capsules are the only way you can take them, it is a helpful option. The two green drinks I prefer are Tony Robbins Green Drink and InnerLight Supergreens

* Muliti-vitamin. Vitamins are very important to proper functioning of your body. Capsulated vitamins that have a powder inside are usually the best. This tends to be more digestible. It doesn’t do anything for you if the vitamin doesn’t digest in your system. Many cheaper vitamins are not very good because they don’t easily digest. If you are going to buy cheap vitamins, you might as well not buy anything at all because, in general, cheap vitamins are highly undigestable.

* Specialized vitamins. If you have specific needs, there are many different kinds of health supplements. You can get vitamins for stress relief, candida (yeast) reduction, mens formulas, womens formulas, etc. As mentioned above, high quality does cost a little more. You have to pay a little more for good all natural supplements but your body will thank you.

* Cleansing or Starter Packs. This is a group of vitamins and supplements that get you started. These can be great to kick start your efforts to alkalize. Most will have some sort of green drink and one or more types of vitamins.

There are tons of other things available. Do your research and try a few different things. Don’t change too many things at once though because then you won’t know what is helping or hurting. Again, I highly recommend Anthony Robbins and InnerLight products. I have used them and you can feel almost immediate improvements.

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Posted on: July 30, 2010

Filed under: Healthy Recipes

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